Displaying 4861 - 4870 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act in further addition to an act, made in the fifth year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act for the choice of Town Officers, and regulating of Townships.” 53 George III – Chapter 12 1813 An amendment to a 1765 act which replaced the methods by which town officers, including fence viewers, constables, and surveyors, were appointed. The amendment deals with penalties for collectors who neglect to pay the sums they have collected to the treasurer within the time frame specified by law. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for repealing so much of an Act, made in the thirty-second year of the late King, George the Second, entitled, “An Act relating to Treasons and Felonies,” as respects the privately murdering, or concealment of the death, of Bastard Children, and for making other provisions in lieu thereof. 53 George III – Chapter 11 1813 This act repeals and amends the fifth section of an act first passed in 1758, which categorizes various types of crimes as felonies. The clause in question regards the punishment of mothers who attempt to hide the death of bastard children; it is amended so that women who are charged with murdering any children born of them who would be considered bastard children are to be tried by rule of evidence. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to grant certain duties to His Majesty, towards supplying the wants of the Province, during the present War with the United States of America, and for other purposes. 53 George III Chapter 11 1813 An act to impose a duty of two pounds ten shillings on every hundred pounds worth of goods imported from outside of the Province by non-residents except as described by this act. These duties are to be collected by a Collector of Customs or Comptroller. This act applies to imports traded between Upper and Lower Canada as well as articles brought in for the use of Indigenous nations within either province. The act is to expire in 1818. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue the several Acts of the General Assembly, for raising a Revenue to repair the Roads throughout the Province, by laying a Duty on Persons hereafter to be Licensed to keep Public Houses or Shops for the retail of Spirituous Liquors. 53 George III – Chapter 10 1813 This act was not published. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise François Frichette, to build a Bridge over the River du Sud, in the County of Devon, to fix the Rates of Toll For passing thereon, and to provide Regulations for the said Bridge. (15th February, 1813.) 53 George III Chapter 10 1813 An act authorising François Frichette (also spelled Frichet) to build and collect a toll on a bridge crossing the River du Sud, in the County of Devon. Frichette is granted the authority to take and use of the land required to build the bridge. Standards and stipulations for the bridge's construction and maintenance are outlined. The allowable tolls that can be charged are described, as well as those to be excepted from tolls. Additionally, after a period of fifty years, it is made lawful for the Crown to assume possession of the bridge. Time restraints allowed for the construction and repairs are outlined, as well as penalties for those who neglect the tenets of the bill. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to revive, alter and continue, an Act for granting to His Majesty certain Duties on Wine, Rum, and other Distilled Spirituous Liquors, Molasses, Coffee, and Brown Sugar, for the support of His Majesty’s Government, and for promoting the Agriculture, Commerce, and Fisheries, of this Province. 53 George III – Chapter 9 1813 A continuation and amendment of a past act, which has already been continued and altered several times, allowing the government to charge a duty on various imported items. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue for a limited time certain parts of an act passed in the Forty-second year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to provide for the more effectual regulation of the Police within the Cities of Quebec and Montreal and the Town of Three Rivers, also for extending regulations of Police to other Towns and Villages in certain cases, and for repealing the Acts or Ordinances therein mentioned,” (15th February, 1813.) 53 George III Chapter 9 1813 An act to extend "An Act to provide for the more effectual regulation of the Police within the Cities of Quebec and Montreal and Town of Three Rivers; also for extending Regulations of Police to other Towns and villages in certain cases; and for repealing the Acts or Ordinances therein mentioned,” passed in 1802 and continued in 1807 and 1811. The former act outlined the rules police in localities throughout the province must abide by, including that laws must be announced before they are enforced and that financial penalties cannot exceed five pounds, except in the circumstances described. The act is to expire in 1815. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to revive and continue an Act for imposing an additional Duty of Excise on Rum, and other Distilled Spirituous Liquors, and for appropriating the same. 53 George III – Chapter 8 1813 A continuation of an act first passed in 1808, which imposes a duty on various liquors. (NB: the original was not published.) Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue for a limited time the powers granted to certain commissioners by an act, intituled, “An Act for removing the Old Walls and Fortifications that surround the City of Montreal and otherwise to provide for the salubrity, convenience and embellishment of the said City;” as also to continue for a limited time the extension of the said powers in certain cases. (15th February, 1813.) 53 George III Chapter 8 1813 This act extends the powers of commissioners and the treasurer appointed under an act passed in 1801 and continued in 1805 and 1808 which had been set to expire. The act sets a new expiry for these positions. The original act set out provisions for removing the walls and fortifications around Montreal, and outlined how the lands then occupied by the walls and fortifications should be sold. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to revive and continue the several Acts of the General Assembly for the further increase of the Revenue, by raising a Duty of Excise on all Goods, Wares and Merchandise, imported into this Province. 53 George III – Chapter 7 1813 A continuation of several acts which impose a duty on various imported goods. Early Canadiana Online