Displaying 4841 - 4850 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act further to continue, for a limited time, two several Acts therein mentioned to provide Temporary Houses of Correction in the several Districts of this Province. (17th March, 1814.) 54 George III Chapter 5 1814 An act to further continue a former act passed in 1811 and amended in 1812 to provide temporary Houses of Correction in several districts, including the District of Quebec, District of Montreal, and District of Trois-Rivières until permanent facilities can be established. The original act set a budget for each district's temporary gaol and replaced the sentences of "punishment by transportation," "burns in the hand," or "death without the benefit of Clergy," with sentences in the House of Correction at the discretion of the Judges or Justices. The amended act provides an annual allowance to the Committees appointed to superintend the Houses of Correction in the Districts of Quebec, Montreal, and Trois-Rivières for the purposes described in the 1811 act. These acts are to continue in force until 1816. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act for imposing an additional Duty of Excise on Rum, and other Distilled Spirituous Liquors. 54 George III – Chapter 4 1814 A continuation of an act first passed in 1808, which imposes a duty on various liquors. (NB: the original was not published.) Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal and amend part of an Act passed in the thirty-fifth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to ascertain the Eligibility of Persons to be returned to the House of Assembly.” 54 George III – Chapter 4 1814 Repealed in 1818; unpublished. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue two several Acts therein mentioned for regulating the Fisheries in the inferior District of Gaspé. (17th March, 1814.) 54 George III Chapter 4 1814 An act continue an act originally passed in 1807, amended in 1808, and continued in 1812 that allows British subjects to freely take bait, cut wood, and fish from any river, creek, harbour, or road within the certain parts of the District of Gaspé. The original act also grants commander of British and Irish vessels the right to occupy unoccupied beaches within the district in order to cure and prepare fish for export. The 1808 amendments establish that all casks, barrels, or tierces of fish must be inspected by the Inspector of Fish prior to export and implements further restrictions regarding how fish should be caught and exported. These acts are to continue in force until 1816. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act, for granting to His Majesty an additional Revenue. 54 George III – Chapter 3 1814 This act was not published. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for granting to His Majesty a certain sum of Money out of the Funds applicable to the uses of this Province, to defray the expences of Amending and Repairing the Public Highways and Roads, and Building Bridges in the several Districts thereof. 54 George III – Chapter 3 1814 Temporary; unpublished. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to extend the Provisions of two several Acts therein mentioned, for facilitating the circulation of Army Bills. (17th March, 1814.) 54 George III Chapter 3 1814 An act to extend an act originally passed in 1812, and an act that extended it in 1813. The original acts outlined the issue, use, and limitations of Army Bills, including their rate of exchange and interest, the denominations Army Bills could be distributed in, and the institution of the Army Bill Office. The amount allowed to be in circulation is increased from five hundred thousand dollars to fifteen hundred thousand pounds. The act imposes further regulations on the Army Bill Office and the issue of Army Bills. Punishments for counterfeiters are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue the several Acts of the General Assembly for the further increase of the Revenue, by raising a Duty of Excise on all Goods, Wares and Merchandise, imported into this Province. 54 George III – Chapter 2 1814 A continuation of an act first passed in 1792 and its subsequent amendment, which specifies duties on various import goods. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the issuing and circulating of Government Bills in this Province. 54 George III – Chapter 2 1814 Expired; unpublished. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue for a limited time an Act passed in the fifty-first year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, “An Act for establishing Regulations respecting Aliens and certain Subjects of His Majesty who have resided in France, coming into this Province or residing therein.” (17th March, 1814.) 54 George III Chapter 2 1814 This act further continues an passed in 1811 which revised a former act originally passed in 1793 "An Act for establishing regulations respecting Aliens and certain subjects of his Majesty, who have resided in France, coming into this Province, or residing therein; and for empowering his Majesty to secure and detain persons charged with or suspected of High Treason; and for the arrest and commitment of all persons, who may individually, by seditious practices, attempt to disturb the Government of this Province." The act requires that ship commanders report the number of "foreigners" on board their vessel to Customs officials when they arrive at ports within the province. The act grants authority to Justices of the Peace to jail and remove "Aliens" who remain within the province longer than the period allowed by the court. Penalties including fines are outlined as well as who is to be considered an "Alien." It also requires anyone entering into the province to receive a passport from appointed individuals stationed at Frontier Posts.Under this act, the 1811 act is to continue in force until 1815. Early Canadiana Online