Displaying 4701 - 4710 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to enable certain persons therein named, to erect a Draw-Bridge across the Liverpool River, in the Town of Liverpool. 56 George III – Chapter 28 1816 This Act establishes the Liverpool Bridge Company and gives the company the power to build a draw bridge over the Liverpool River. They are also permitted to collect tolls but are barred from exacting a fee for raising the draw bridge. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to increase the Salary of the Speaker of the House of Assembly, and to remunerate the present Speaker for past Services. Passed 1st April 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 28 1816 This act raises the salary of the Speaker of the House of Assembly to 200 pounds per annum. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to prevent unlawful Combinations of Master Tradesmen, and also of their Workmen and Journeymen. 56 George III – Chapter 27 1816 This Act provides prevents employers from making unlawful demands of contracted labourers, such as requiring more labour or reducing their hours, or from cutting their pay. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for granting to His Majesty a sum of Money towards defraying the Expenses of the Civil Administration of the Government of this Province. Passed 1st of April, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 27 1816 This act authorises a payment of 2,500 pounds collected from the various taxes and fees collected by the provincial legislative assembly towards the Crown's Receiver General, in payment for funds advanced for government expenses, but especially in repayment for contributions made during the War of 1812. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to regulate the Transportation of Gun-Powder, from place to place within this Province. 56 George III – Chapter 26 1816 This Act explains several regulations aimed to prevent accidents by gun-powder as well as fines for those who offend against this act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act passed in the fifty-third year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled “An Act to facilitate the circulation within this Province of Army Bills issued by authority of the Province of Lower-Canada,” and also to continue a certain other Act, passed in the fifty-fourth year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled “An Act to facilitate the circulation within this Province of any Bills issued by authority of the Province of Lower-Canada. Passed 1st April, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 26 1816 This act continues an act first passed in 1813, which details provisions for the use of army bills and their exchange throughout Upper and Lower Canada. It is continued without modification. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue in force the several Acts therein mentioned. 56 George III – Chapter 25 1816 This Act lists several acts which are to remain in force until the end of the next session of the General Assembly after 18 March 1817. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a sum of Money for providing a Library for the use of the Legislative Council, and House of Assembly of this Province. Passed 1st April, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 25 1816 This act sets aside eight hundred pounds to build a library for the use of the Legislative assembly, and appoints commissioners to oversee the execution of the project. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in amendment of an Act, passed in the first year of His present Majesty’s Reign, entitled, An Act for repairing and mending Highways, Roads, Bridges and Streets, and for appointing Surveyors of Highways within the several Townships in this Province, and also an Act, passed in the fifth year of His said Majesty’s Reign, in addition to and amendment thereof. 56 George III – Chapter 24 1816 This Act sets the rates at which teams and labourers are to be paid for roadwork. Early Canadiana Online
An Act granting to His Majesty a sum of Money, to remunerate certain Commissioners of Highways in this Province, for certain Sums advanced by them towards the Repair of sundry Highways within the same. Passed 1st April, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 24 1816 This act authorises the advance of certain sums of money to commissioners throughout the province who are responsible for the building and maintenance of roads, in order to fund their projects. Early Canadiana Online