Displaying 4681 - 4690 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act for the Importation of certain kinds of Grain, Flour and Meal, and for furnishing the same to such settlers within the Province as are in indigent circumstances, owing to the failure of Crops. 57 George III – Chapter 3 1817 This Act provides grain to aid to the counties and districts of the province in light of recent crop failures and outlines the value of crops to be provided to each. It specifies how these grains are to be collected and distributed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the maintenance of good order, on Sundays and Holidays. (8th March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 3 1817 An act to make the Office of Church Warden responsible for maintaining good order in Churches and Chapels in Lower Canada. The act stipulates the duties of "ancient" Church Wardens and Overseers and how they are to be replaced. Penalties for causing disturbances on Sundays and holidays are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in amendment of an Act, passed I the twenty-eighth year of His Majesty’s reign, entitled, An Act to prevent the circulation on base and counterfeit Half-pence, and other Cooper Coin, and to establish the current value of English Crowns, Half Crowns and Shillings, in this Province. 57 George III – Chapter 2 1817 This Act makes provisions to prevent the counterfeiting of half-pence coins and outlines penalties for those found to counterfeit coins. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relief of certain Parishes in Distress. (8th March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 2 1817 An act to apply a sum not exceeding fifteen thousand five hundred pounds for the relief of parishes within the District of Quebec. Provisions for the distribution and use of these funds are outlined, including stipulations for the food rations to be given to men, women, and children. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the more effectual relief of Insolvent Debtors. 57 George III – Chapter 1 1817 This Act adds provisions to a former act for the relief of insolvent debtors, mainly pertaining to how and under what circumstances insolvent debtors are to be imprisoned or released from custody. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relief of the Poor, in the Loan of Seed Wheat, and other necessary Grain. (8th March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 1 1817 An act establishing that lenders of seed for crops including wheat, corn, peas, oats, or potatoes, will be granted a privileged debt by the courts, to encourage those who can spare seed to loan it to poorer inhabitants. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to regulate the Police, within the Town of Kingston. Passed 1st of April, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 35(2) 1816 Due to the increased population of the Kingston area in recent years, this act gives greater definition to the roles of police and firemen within the town of Kingston in order to prevent disorderly conduct and to overall improve the town. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal and amend part of an Act passed in the Fiftieth year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled “An Act to provide for the laying out, amending and keeping in repair the Public Highways and Roads in this Province, and to repeal the Laws now in force for that purpose.” Passed 1st April, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 41 1816 This act amends an act first passed in 1810, repealing clauses eighteen and twenty-six. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a Sum of Money to defray the expences of any Commission for ascertaining Titles to Lands in the Niagara District, which shall or may be authorized by any Act of the Parliament of this Province. Passed 1st April, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 40 1816 This act provides a sum of money to pay for an act passed earlier in this same legislative year, which allows for the re-filing of property deeds in the region of Niagara which have been lost or destroyed by the recent war with the United States. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to grant to His Majesty a sum of Money, to amend and repair the Public Highways and Roads in this Province, and to build and repair Bridges in the several Districts thereof. Passed 1st April, 1816.
56 George III – Chapter 39 1816 This act grants sums of money to the respective districts throughout the province for the maintenance and building of roads. Early Canadiana Online