Displaying 4621 - 4630 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to continue and amend the several Acts of the General Assembly, for the further increase of the Revenue, by raising a duty of Excise on all Goods, Wares and Merchandise, imported into this Province. 58 George III – Chapter 1 1818 This Act continues two acts relating to the collection of excise duties which are to remain in force until 18 March 1819, as well as an act to prevent fraud in the collection of the duties. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the encouragement and relief of certain Persons therein-named, and others, and authorising them to associate themselves by the name of the “Quebec Friendly Society,” under certain restrictions, rules and regulations therein-mentioned. 57 George III Chapter 39 1817 An Act to permit several individuals to form the "Quebec Friendly Society" to collect voluntary contributions from its members for their mutual relief and maintenance in sickness, old age and infirmity. A committee composed of society members was to form to establish the rules, orders, and regulations. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise Joseph Roi, Esquire, to build a Bridge over the River Jesus, opposite the Village of Terrebonne, in the County of Effingham, to fix the Rates of Toll for passing thereon, and to provide regulations for the said Bridge. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 38 1817 An act authorising Joseph Roi, Esquire to build and collect a toll on a bridge crossing the River Jesus, opposite the Village of Terrebonne, in the County of Effingham. Roi is granted the authority to take and use of the land required to build the bridge. Standards and stipulations for the bridge's construction and maintenance are outlined. The allowable tolls that can be charged are described, as well as those to be excepted from tolls. Additionally, after a period of fifty years, it is made lawful for the Crown to assume possession of the bridge. Time restraints allowed for the construction and repairs are outlined, as well as penalties for those who neglect the tenets of the bill. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise Jean Marie Langlois, otherwise called Jean Marie Germain, to build a Bridge over the River Yamaska, at the foot of the cascade, opposite the village of Saint Hyacinthe, in the County of Richelieu, to fix the Rates of Toll for passing thereon, and to provide regulations for the said Bridge. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 37 1817 An act authorising Jean Marie Langlois to replace and collect a toll on a bridge crossing the River Yamaska, in the County of Richelieu, upon land in his possession. Langlois is granted the authority to take and use of surrounding land if required to build the bridge. Standards and stipulations for the bridge's construction and maintenance are outlined. The allowable tolls that can be charged are described, as well as those to be excepted from tolls. Additionally, after a period of fifty years, it is made lawful for the Crown to assume possession of the bridge. Time restraints allowed for the construction and repairs are outlined, as well as penalties for those who neglect the tenets of the bill. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise Louis Michel Viger, Esquire, to erect a Toll-Bridge over the River Des Prairies. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 36 1817 An act authorising Louis Michel Viger, Esquire to build and collect a toll on a bridge crossing the River Des Prairies. Viger is granted the authority to take and use of the land required to build the bridge. Standards and stipulations for the bridge's construction and maintenance are outlined. The allowable tolls that can be charged are described, as well as those to be excepted from tolls. Additionally, after a period of fifty years, it is made lawful for the Crown to assume possession of the bridge. Roads communicating with this bridge are to be constructed. Time restraints allowed for the construction and repairs are outlined, as well as penalties for those who neglect the tenets of the bill. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise Thimothé Dufour to build a Toll-Bridge over the River of Malbaie, in the County of Northumberland. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 35 1817 An act authorising Thimothé Dufour to build and collect a toll on a bridge crossing the River of Malbaie, in the County of Northumberland. Dufour is granted the authority to take and use of the land required to build the bridge. Standards and stipulations for the bridge's construction and maintenance are outlined. The allowable tolls that can be charged are described, as well as those to be excepted from tolls. Additionally, after a period of fifty years, it is made lawful for the Crown to assume possession of the bridge. Time restraints allowed for the construction and repairs are outlined, as well as penalties for those who neglect the tenets of the bill. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to grant to Pierre Casgrain, Esquire, a right of Toll over the Draw-Bridge erected on the River Ouelle, in the County of Cornwallis. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 34 1817 An act authorising Pierre Casgrain, Esquire to build and collect a toll on a draw bridge crossing the River Ouelle, in the County of Cornwallis. Casgrain is granted the authority to take and use of the land required to build the bridge. Standards and stipulations for the bridge's construction and maintenance are outlined. The allowable tolls that can be charged are described, as well as those to be excepted from tolls. Additionally, after a period of fifty years, it is made lawful for the Crown to assume possession of the bridge. Casgrain, his heirs, executors, curators, representatives, or assigns are made responsible to raise the bridge to allow vessels to pass under and will be held responsible for any damages incurred should they neglect to do so.Time restraints allowed for the construction and repairs are outlined, as well as penalties for those who neglect the tenets of the bill. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a sum of Money for the payment of certain Militia Officers, and other purposes therein-mentioned. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 33 1817 An Act to take from the monies held by the Receiver-General, the funds necessary for several salaries and the expenses of the Militia, as described in the Act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for reviving and continuing for a limited time, and amending an Act passed in the forty-third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for the better Regulation of the Militia of this Province, and for repealing certain Acts or Ordinances therein-mentioned.” (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 32 1817 An act to revive a former act originally passed in 1803 and amended in 1812. The amended act declares that all men between the ages of eighteen and fifty are to be militia men, bound to serve in their division's militia. The act also outlines who is to be excepted from this law, how order is to be maintained, and how these men are to be enrolled and trained. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make good the deficiencies of the Funds by Law provided, for paying certain contingent expences of the House of Assembly. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 31 1817 An Act to make good on the four thousand and eighty-two pounds, twelve shillings, and nine-pence one halfpenny advanced to cover the House of Assembly's expenses, which the 1793 Act “An Act to establish a fund for paying the salaries of the officers of the Legislative Council and Assembly, and for defraying the contingent expenses thereof,” was insufficient to cover. The funds are to be taken from any unappropriated funds in the hands of the Receiver-General. Early Canadiana Online