Displaying 4371 - 4380 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to repeal part of and amend an Act passed in the thirty-seventh year of His late Majesty’s Reign, entitled “An Act for the better regulating the practice of the Laws,” and to extend the provisions of the same. Passed 17th January, 1822. 2 George IV – Chapter 5 1822 This Act allows for the creation of the Law Society of Upper Canada and specifies certain details regarding this Society. It also repeals and amends two clauses relating to admission to the Bar in Upper Canada, from an earlier law. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend certain parts of an Act, passed in the forty-seventh year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled, “An Act to provide Returning Officers, for the Election of Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, to serve in the House of Assembly, and to regulate Elections to be held for that purpose,” and more effectually to prevent illegal practices in the Election of Members to serve in the said Assembly, and for further securing the freedom of such Elections. (18th February, 1822.) 2 George IV Chapter 4 1822 An Act to amend an Act passed in 1807, outlining directions for the appointment of Returning Officers within the province. The Act set restrictions for who may serve as a Returning Officer, how they are to be appointed, and terms for their service. Several forms and oaths are included. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to render ineligible to a Seat in the Commons House of Assembly of this Province, certain descriptions of Persons therein mentioned. Passed 17th January, 1822. 2 George IV – Chapter 4 1822 This Act details the restrictions on holding office in Upper Canada; excluded are those who have served in government in the United States, those who have committed certain criminal offences in other countries, and those who have sworn an "Oath of Abjuration" against the British government. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act passed in the first year of His present Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for the summary Trial of certain Small Causes, in the Country Parishes in this Province.” (18th February, 1822.) 2 George IV Chapter 3 1822 An Act to amend and continue an Act passed in 1821, “An Act for the summary Trial of certain Small Causes, in the Country Parishes in this Province.” The original Act outlined how trials concerning the recovery of certain debts are to run in the province's counties and parishes, (excepting the Counties of Quebec and Montreal, and the Town and Parish of Trois-Rivières). This Act amends stipulations pertaining to summonses, Clerk's duties, and declares that no more than one Court shall be held in any Parish, Township, or Seigneurie. This Act is to expire in 1823. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal part of and amend the Laws now in force for the raising and training the Militia of this Province. Passed 17th January, 1822. 2 George IV – Chapter 3 1822 This Act repeals portions of an 1808 law relating to the militia, along with introducing new laws relating to the militia, covering areas including but not limited to the storage of weapons, the punishment of militia officers of certain rank for various offences, and regulations around training and the formation of companies. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the better inspection of Flour. (18th February, 1822.) 2 George IV Chapter 2 1822 Under this Act, when flour is inspected, the barrel shall be branded with the word Sour. The Act also dictates that no Inspector of Flour is to receive more than two pence per barrel. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to reduce into one Act the several Laws now in force establishing District Courts, and regulating the Practice thereof, and also to extend the powers of the said District Courts.
Passed 17th January, 1822.
2 George IV – Chapter 2 1822 This Act repeals a number of existing laws, or parts thereof, relating to District Courts in Upper Canada. It allows for the establishment of a "Court of Record" in each district, and lays out detailed regulations for the operation of these courts. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue, for a limited time therein-mentioned, and to amend an Act passed in the fifty-ninth year of the Reign of His late Majesty, George the Third, intituled, “An Act to impose certain Duties on divers articles therein-mentioned, and to regulate for a limited time, the Trade with the United States of America, by land or by inland Navigation, and to suspend certain Acts and Ordinances therein-mentioned.” (18th February, 1822.) 2 George IV Chapter 1 1822 An Act to continue and amend an Act from 1819 that was continued in 1821. The original Act imposed duties on articles including grains, ship timber, fruits, among others, outlined rates for these duties, and suspended several former ordinances. This Act amends the third section of the original Act, relating to duties imposed upon tobacco, and repeals the seventh section that provided for the weight of packages containing tobacco. The Act also provides that Collectors at any port other than the Port of Saint John may collect a portion of the duties collected in lieu of a salary and contingencies. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal part of and amend the Laws now in force respecting the practice of Majesty’s Court of King’s Bench in this Province. Passed 17th January, 1822. 2 George IV – Chapter 1 1822 This Act repeals clauses from a number of previous Acts relating to the justice system, and introduces a large number of new clauses related to the practice of justice in Upper Canada. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to afford Relief to Samuel Hull and Esther Phelps. Passed 14th April, 1821.
2 George IV – Chapter 31 1821 This Act permits both Samuel Hull and Esther Phelps to "[t]raverse all or any Inquisition or Office" affecting their seized lands, when they have not up to now been permitted to do so. Early Canadiana Online