Displaying 4331 - 4340 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act further to continue for a limited time an Act passed in the fifty-seventh year of the Reign of His late Majesty, George the Third, intituled, “An Act to facilitate the Administration of Justice in certain Small Matters therein-mentioned, in the Country Parishes.” (22d March, 1823.) 3 George IV Chapter 2 1823 An Act to continue a former act by the same name passed in 1817 and continued in 1821 and 1823. The 1817 Act granted the authority for Justices of the Peace to administer cases in country parishes pertaining to fences or ditches on property lines and damage to livestock. Processes by which these cases are to be heard were outlined in this former Act. This Act is set to expire in 1825. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time, two certain Acts therein mentioned, relating to the Trial of Small Causes in the Country Parishes of this Province. (22d March, 1823.) 3 George IV Chapter 1 1823 An Act continue an Act passed in 1821 and the Act that continued and amended it in 1822, “An Act to amend an Act passed in the first year of His present Majesty’s Reign, intituled, ‘An Act for the Summary Trial of certain Small Causes in the Country Parishes of this Province.’” The original Act outlined how trials concerning the recovery of certain debts are to run in the province's counties and parishes, (excepting the Counties of Quebec and Montreal, and the Town and Parish of Trois-Rivières). This 1822 Act amended stipulations pertaining to summonses, Clerk's duties, and declares that no more than one Court shall be held in any Parish, Township, or Seigneurie. This Act is to expire in 1825. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Regulate the Trade of the Province of Lower and Upper Canada, and for other purposes relating to the said Provinces. Passed 5th August, 1822. 52 George III – Chapter 119 1822 This act specifies the duties to be charged on the items listed when they are imported or exported between Upper and Lower Canada. Passed in 1822, it was ratified the following year. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Regulate the Trade between His Majesty’s Possessions in America and the West Indies, and other parts of the World. Passed June 24th, 1822. 4 George IV – Chapter 45 (1822) 1822 An act passed by the British parliament in 1822, relating to trade between British colonies and other parts of the world. The act received royal assent in 1823. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to regulate the Trade between His Majesty’s Possessions in America and the West Indies, and other places in America and the West Indies. Passed 24th June, 1822. 4 George IV – Chapter 44 1822 An act passed by the British parliament June 1822, relating to trade and customs in British colonies. Adopted and passed by the Legislative assembly of Upper Canada in 1823. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for applying certain Monies therein mentioned, for the service of the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-two; and for appropriating such part of the Supplies granted in this Session of the General Assembly, as are not already appropriated by the Laws or Acts of the Province. 3 George IV – Chapter 36 1822 This act allots various parcels of money for a number of purposes and to various individuals throughout the province, for infrastructure projects and in reimbursement for services rendered to the government. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for consolidating and reducing into one Act all the Acts, heretofore made, relating to Trespasses. 3 George IV – Chapter 32 1822 A consolidation of various past acts and amendments dealing with the maintenance of fences and hedges to prevent the trespass of livestock on neighbours' pasture and fields, and the penalties for not so doing. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the greater security of the Town of Halifax against Fire, and the preventing the Erection of Wooden Buildings, beyond a certain height, within the same. 3 George IV – Chapter 29 1822 This act limits the building of new construction for housing, storehouses, stables, or any other type of building, within certain districts of Halifax, to prevent fire, unless the buildings being built meet certain requirements specified by the act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue the Act to provide for the accommodation and billeting of His Majesty’s Troops, or of the Militia, when on their march from one part of the Province to another; and also the Acts in amendment thereof. 3 George IV – Chapter 22 1822 This Act continues an act making provision for militiamen to be billeted when marching from one part of the province to another for one year. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue the several Acts now in force, regulating the expenditure of Monies for the service of Roads and Bridges. 3 George IV – Chapter 19 1822 This act continues several past acts that finance the building and repair of roads throughout the province. Early Canadiana Online