Displaying 3271 - 3280 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act for appropriating the Supplies granted to His Majesty, during the present Session of the Colonial Parliament. (12th June, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 25 (Session 1) 1834 This act pays out various sums of money for services rendered during the present parliament. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make provision for indemnifying Pilots while detained in Quarantine. (18th March, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 25 1834 Under this Act, any Pilot in charge of a vessel arriving in the Province, who is detained in Quarantine at Grosse Isle, is entitled to ten shillings for every day he is held there. This Act is to remain in force in 1836. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to establish a Police in the Town of Cornwall, in the Eastern District. Passed 6th March, 1834. 4 William IV – Chapter 25 1834 This act establishes a police force for the town of Cornwall. It specifies how members of the police board are to be elected, who can serve on said board, when elections can be held, and divides the town into two wards for the purposes of elections. It also allows for the creation of ordinances by the police board on various matters relating to the maintaining of local order, such as defacement of public property and inspection of public dwelling houses. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to declare the legality of the collection of certain Duties by the Collector of His Majesty’s Customs. (12th June, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 24 (Session 1) 1834 This act confirms the legality of past acts which concern the imposition of duties in the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to indemnify Francois Fortier for certain Extra Work by him performed, in building the new Hall of Assembly. (18th March, 1834.)
4 William IV Chapter 24 1834 This Act provides a sum not exceeding five hundred and eighteen pounds and seven pence halfpenny to indemnify Francois Fortier for the extra work and expenses incurred by him in fulfilling the terms outlined under the 1833 Act, “An Act to provide for the erection of a new Hall of Assembly." Early Canadiana Online
An Act to establish a Board of Police in the Town of Belleville. Passed 6th March, 1834. 4 William IV – Chapter 24 1834 This act establishes the police board of Belleville so that the town can better deal with its expanding population. It specifies who can vote for members of the board, dividing the town into two wards for the purposes of board elections. The time of elections, as well as details regarding who can serve on the board and how long their elected terms will last, are also specified. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate a Law Society in Newfoundland, and to regulate the admission of Barristers and Attornies to practise in the Law in the several Courts in this Island. (12th June, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 23 (Session 1) 1834 This act incorporates the Law Society in Newfoundland, allowing them to regulate the admission of barristers and attornies to practice in the province within certain rules specified by this act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate certain sums of money to the encouragement of Education in this Province. (18th March, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 23 1834 This Act grants several sums, as listed, to support schools in the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend the Limits of the Town of York; to erect the said Town into a City; and to Incorporate it under the name of the City of Toronto. Passed 6th March, 1834. 4 William IV – Chapter 23 1834 This act creates the city of Toronto, formerly known as York. It specifies services to be provided by the city, taxes that can be levied, city limits, and many other specific legislative issues. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate the Saint John’s Mechanics’ Society. (12th June, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 22 (Session 1) 1834 This act incorporates the Saint John's Mechanics' Society, allowing them to purchase and hold real estate, and specifying how and when their elections will be held. Early Canadiana Online