Displaying 2691 - 2700 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to continue and make permanent an Act passed in the fourth year of the reign of King William the Fourth, entitled, “An Act to regulate Line Fences and Water-courses, and to repeal so much of an Act passed in the thirty-third year of the reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, entitled, ‘An Act to provide for the nomination and appointment of Parish and Town Officers within this Province, as relates to the office of Fence Viewers being discharged by Overseers of Highways and Roads.” Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 18 1839 This act continues an act first passed in 1834, which amended an act passed in 1793. The original act specified the parties responsible for the repairing and maintenance of fences on shared property lines, and the amendments have further defined who is responsible for which costs and who is responsible for settling disputes. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to extend certain privileges therein-mentioned to the Ministers of the Methodist New Connexion, and the Congregations under their care. 2 Victoria Chapter 17 (Session 4) 1839 Under this Ordinance, the Ministers of the Methodist New Connexion, Reverend John Addyman, and the Reverend John Hutchinson, are authorised to keep Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, under such rules and regulations outlined in the Ordinance. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend the provisions of an Act passed in the fifty-ninth year of the reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, entitled, “An Act to repeal an Ordinance of the Province of Quebec, passed in the twenty-fifth year of His late Majesty’s reign, entitled, “An Ordinance concerning Land Surveyors, and the admeasurement of Lands”; and also to extend the provisions of an Act passed in the thirty-eighth year of His late Majesty’s reign, entitled, “An Act to ascertain and establish on a permanent footing the Boundary Lines of the different Townships in this Province, and further to regulate the manner in which Lands are hereafter to be Surveyed.” Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 17 1839 This act continues and amends two separate acts regarding the surveying of land to better settle disputes arising from past surveys of town lots. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to amend a certain Act therein-mentioned, and for the more effectual Punishment of such persons as shall seduce Soldiers to Desert. 2 Victoria Chapter 16 (Session 4) 1839 This Ordinance repeals and replaces the 1838 Ordinance, “An Ordinance to declare and ascertain the period when the Laws and Ordinances made and passed by the Governor or person authorised to execute the Commission of Governor, and Special Council of this Province, shall take effect,” relating to how persons found to have persuaded any soldier or soldiers to desert or leave service are to be prosecuted and sentenced. This Ordinance is to be in force until 1840. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to prevent the felling of Trees into certain Rivers and Creeks within this Province. Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 16 1839 This act bans people from cutting trees and rolling them into specific rivers in which they pose a danger to navigation and various navigational infrastructure, such as canals and wharves. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to regulate the curing, packing, and inspection of Beef and Pork, intended for exportation. 2 Victoria Chapter 15 (Session 4) 1839 This Ordinance suspends and replaces all former acts regulating the curing, packing and inspection of Beef and Pork. The processes by which Boards of Examiners for the Inspector of Beef and Pork are to be established and their duties are described. The terms used to label grades of beef and pork are defined. This Ordinance is to remain in force until 1842. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the protection of the Lands of the Crown in this Province, from Trespass and Injury. Passed 11th May, 1839.
2 Victoria – Chapter 15 1839 This act sets out penalties for those who would attempt to use lands that have been set aside for the indigenous populations of the province without permission. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to amend a certain Act therein mentioned, and to provide for the better regulation of Taverns and Tavern-Keepers. 2 Victoria Chapter 14 (Session 4) 1839 This Ordinance regulates and outlines how licences for keeping Houses of Public Entertainment can be acquired. This Ordinance is to remain in force until 1842. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend and continue, for a limited period, the provisions of an Act passed in the first year of Her Majesty’s reign, entitled “An Act to provide for the disposal of the Public Lands in this Province.” Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 14 1839 This act continues an act from 1837 which details how grants and sale of public lands are to be managed, with some amendment. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance for the better regulation of Ferrymen, and others conveying persons for hire across the rivers and waters of this Province. 2 Victoria Chapter 13 (Session 4) 1839 This Ordinance requires that all ferrymen must be licenced and outlines the processes by which these licences are to be distributed. This Ordinance is to remain in force until 1842. Early Canadiana Online