Displaying 1541 - 1560 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act to authorize the Attorneys now Practicing, or hereafter to be duly admitted to Practice, to take such number of Clerks as therein mentioned. 1803 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Act to repeal for a limited time, part of an Act passed in the thirty-fourth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for the Regulation of Juries.” 1803 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Act for further altering and amending an Act passed in the thirty-third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to encourage the Destroying of Wolves and Bears in different parts of this Province.” 1803 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Act to enable Married Women having Real Estate, more conveniently to Alien and Convey the same. (5th March, 1803.) 1803 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Act to declare the Rights of Certain Grantees of Waste Lands of the Crown. (5th March, 1803.) 1803 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Act to authorise the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or Person Administering the Government of this Province, to Licence Practitioners in the Law. (5th March, 1803.) 1803 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Act to Explain and Amend an Act, passed in the Forty-first year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for granting to His Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, to and for the uses of this Province, the like Duties on Goods and Merchandize brought info this Province from the United States of America, as are now paid on Goods and Merchandize imported from Great Britain and other places, and to provide more effectually for the collection and payment of duties on Goods and Merchandize coming from, the United States of America into this Province,” and also to establish a fund for the erection and repairing of Light Houses. (5th March, 1803.) 1803 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Act to allow Time for the Sale of Lands and Tenements by the Sheriff. (5th March, 1803.) 1803 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Act to alter the method of performing Statute Duty on the Highways and Roads within this Province. 1798 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Act to amend part of an Act passed in the thirty-fourth year of the Reign of His Majesty, intituled, “An Act to establish a Superior Court of Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction, and to regulate the Court of Appeals,” and also to amend and repeal part of an Act passed in the thirty-seventh year of the Reign of His Majesty, intituled, “An Act for Regulating the Practice of the Court of King’s Bench,” and to make further Provision respecting the same. 1798 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Act for the better Division of this Province. 1798 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Act to extend the provisions of an Act passed in the Second Session of the First Provincial Parliament of Upper Canada, intituled, “An Act to confirm and make valid Certain Marriages, heretofore contracted in the Country now comprised within the Province of Upper Canada, and to provide for the future Solemnization of Marriage within the same. 1798 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Act to repeal part of an Act passed in the thirty-seventh year of the Reign of His Majesty, intituled, “An Act to extend Use Jurisdiction and regulate the Proceedings of the District Court and Court of Requests,” and to make further provision for the same. (5th July, 1798). 1798 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Act to repeal an Ordinance passed in the twenty-fifth year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, “An Ordinance concerning Advocates, Attornies, Solicitors and Notaries, and for the more easy Collection of His Majesty’s Revenues, as far as the same relates to Notaries.” (5th July, 1798.) 1798 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Act to ascertain and establish on a permanent footing, the Boundary Lines of the different Townships of this Province. (5th July, 1797.) 1798 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Ordinance to declare that the second Chapter of the Statutes of the Parliament of England, passed in the thirty-first year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, is not, nor has ever been, in force in this Province, and for other purposes. 1838 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Ordinance for indemnifying persons who, since the first day of November, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, have acted in apprehending, imprisoning, or detaining in custody, persons suspected of High Treason or Treasonable Practices, and in the suppression of unlawful assemblies, and for other purposes therein-mentioned. 1838 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Ordinance to authorise the Governor or person administering the Government of this Province, to appoint one or more Assistant Judges for the Courts of King’s Bench for the Districts of Quebec and Montreal, in in this Province, and an Assistant Judge for the District of Three Rivers, in the case of sickness, necessary absence, or suspension from office of any of the Justices of the said several Courts of King’s Bench, or the Resident Judge for the District of Three Rivers, in the said Province. 1838 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Ordinance to authorise the Governor, or Person administering the Government of this Province, to cause the confinement in any of the Gaols the said Province, of persons committed, or detained, for certain crimes, and for other purposes. 1838 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 7 months ago
    An Ordinance to authorise the Trial in any District of this Province, of persons charged with certain crimes and offences. 1838 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 7 months ago