Displaying 5821 - 5840 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act for the erection of a Light-House on Heartley’s Point, on Lake Erie. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act for the promotion of Science by enabling the Mechanics Institute of the City of Toronto to procure certain Apparatus. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act to increase the Salary of the Keeper of the False Ducks Light-House. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act to amend and continue the Act granting Militia Pensions. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act for the remuneration of Dean S. Howard, for Extra Work performed by him in the erection of the Trent Bridge. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act authorising a Loan to the President and Directors of the Desjardin's Canal Company. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act to provide for the payment of certain Sums therein mentioned. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act to make good certain Monies advanced by His Excellency to defray the expenses incurred by the Cholera in 1834. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act to authorise a Loan to be raised in the manner therein mentioned. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act granting to His Majesty a Sum of Money for the purpose of a Steam Dredging Machine. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act to provide additional aid in support of Common Schools in the severed Districts in this Province. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act to make good certain Monies advanced for the Contingent expenses of the last Session of the Legislature of this Province; and also to make good certain Monies advanced in compliance with an Address of the House of Assembly during the present Session. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act to revive and continue an Act passed in the Tenth year of His late Majesty's Reign, entitled, “An Act the better to protect the Mississagua Tribes living on the Indian Reserve at the River Credit, in their Exclusive Right of Fishing and Hunting therein. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act to appoint Commissioners to settle disputes respecting certain Roads and Lines in the Township of Norwich, in the District of London, and to establish the said Lines and Roads. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act to authorise the Levying an increased Tax on the Inhabitants of the District of Prince Edward, for the term of Three Years. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act to explain and amend an Act Incorporating the Welland Canal Company, and for appointing Arbitrators for certain purposes therein mentioned. Passed 16th April 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act to continue and amend an Act passed in the second year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act for Incorporating a Joint Stock Company under the style and title of the President, Directors and Company, of the Port Dover Harbour.” Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act to alter the times of holding the Court of Quarter Sessions in the District of Niagara. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act to establish the Boundary Lines of the Township of Wolford, in the District of Johnstown. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago
    An Act to authorise a new Survey in the Township of King. Passed 16th April, 1835. 1835 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years ago