Displaying 4441 - 4460 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act to extend the right of Appeal in certain cases in Upper Canada. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to alter and amend the Act regulating the Practice of the County Courts in Upper Canada, and to extend the Jurisdiction thereof. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to confirm and give effect to certain Rules and Regulations made by the Judges of Her Majesty’s Court of Error and Appeal for Upper Canada, and for other purposes relating to the powers of the Judges of the Courts of Law and Equity in that part of the Province, and the practice and decisions of certain of those Courts. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act for the more effectual Administration of Justice in the Court of Chancery in Upper Canada. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to remove certain doubts respecting the intention of the Act of the last Session of the Parliament of this Province for amending the Charter of the University of Toronto, and to provide for the institution and endowments of Regius and other Professorships, Lectureships, Fellowships, Scholarships, Exhibitions, Prizes and other Rewards in the said University, and for other purposes connected with the said University, and with the College and Royal Grammar School of Upper Canada College, forming an appendage thereof. 10th August, 1850. 0 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act for the better establishment and maintenance of Common Schools in Upper Canada. 24th July, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to relieve Ministers of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada, from the obligation to obtain Special Licenses in order to keep Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials in Lower Canada. 24th July, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to allow the Members of County Agricultural Societies in Lower Canada, to be elected in any year, after the period fixed by law. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to amend the Act to incorporate the Lower Canada Agricultural Society. 24th July, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to continue and amend the Ordinance concerning the erection of Parishes, and the construction and repairing of Churches, Parsonage Houses, and Church-yards. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to amend and continue the Ordinance for the Inspection of Fish and Oil. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act for the better protection of the Lands and Property of the Indians in Lower Canada. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to remove doubts as to the right of parties to recover the value of Work done on Roads in Lower Canada, under Acts which have since expired. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to repeal two certain Acts therein mentioned relating to Agriculture, and to provide for the remedy of abuses prejudicial to Agriculture. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to amend and consolidate the Act providing for the organization of the Notarial Profession in Lower Canada. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to facilitate the swearing of Experts and Arbitrators appointed by the Courts of Justice in Lower Canada, and of Witnesses and others to be heard before them. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to assign fixed Annual Salaries to certain Officers of Justice in Lower Canada, and to form a Special Fund out of the Salaries, Fees, Emoluments and Pecuniary Profits attached to their Offices. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to amend the Act to define the mode of proceeding before Courts of Justice in Lower Canada, in matters relating to the protection and regulation of Corporate Rights and to Writs of Prerogative. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to facilitate the holding of Courts of General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace in Lower Canada. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago
    An Act to amend the Municipal Law of Lower Canada. 10th August, 1850. 1850 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 8 months ago