An Act in amendment of an Act, passed in the first year of His late Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act to enable Creditors to receive their just Debts out of the Effects of their Absent or Absconding Debtors.” |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to regulate the Trials of Controverted Elections, or Returns of Members to serve in the House of Assembly of this Province. |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to continue an Act for granting a Drawback of the Duties on Brown or Raw Sugar, used in the Manufacture of Refined Sugar within the Province, and for regulating the mode of obtaining the same. |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to continue an Act, entitled, “An Act for the better preservation of the Property of the Inhabitants of the Town of Halifax, by providing for a sufficient Watch at Night.” |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to continue an Act, entitled, “An Act for the Summary Trial of Actions;” and also, the Act in addition to and in amendment thereof. |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to continue the several Acts of the General Assembly for raising a Revenue to repair the roads throughout the Province, by laying a Duty on Persons hereafter to be Licensed to keep Public Houses and Shops for the retail of Spirituous Liquors. |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to continue the several Acts of the General Assembly for the further increase of the Revenue, by raising a Duty of Excise on all Goods, Wares and Merchandise, imported into this Province. |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to continue an Act for raising an additional duty of Excise on all Goods, Wares and Merchandise, imported into this Province. |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to make perpetual an Act to encourage Persons engaged in the Lumber Trade, and authorising Courts of Sessions to make regulations for preventing obstructions in bringing the same, with other articles, down the several Rivers of the Province: and also, the Act in addition to and amendment thereof. |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to revive and make perpetual an Act to enable the Inhabitants of each Township to raise money for defraying the expense attending the running or perambulating the Lines and Bounds of the respective Townships in this Province. |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to continue the several Acts, for regulating the Summary Trial of Actions before His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace in the Town and Peninsula of Halifax. |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to make perpetual an Act in addition to an Act for regulating the Common belonging to the Township of Lunenburg. |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to extend the provisions of an Act, passed in the first year of His late Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act in addition to and amendment of an Act, entitled, ‘An Act for preventing Trespasses.’” |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to extend the Laws and Ordinances of the Province of Nova-Scotia to the Island of Cape-Breton. |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to authorise the cancelling of Treasury Notes, and to issue others in lieu thereof. |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to enable the Proprietors of Wilderness Lands in the Township of Truro, to open Roads through the same. |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to provide for the greater security of this Province, by a better regulation of the Militia, and to repeal the Militia Laws now in force. |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act for applying certain Monies therein mentioned for the Service of the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-One, and for appropriating such part of the Supplies granted in this Session of the General Assembly as are not already appropriated by the Laws or Acts of the Province. |
1821 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act for applying certain Monies therein mentioned for the Service of the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty, and for appropriating such part of the Supplies granted in this Session of the General Assembly as are not already appropriated by the Laws or Acts of the Province. |
1820 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |
An Act to continue an Act for establishing a Bridewell or House of Correction, for the County of Halifax, and for providing a Police Office in the said Town, with proper Officers to attend the same. |
1820 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years 8 months ago |