Displaying 2181 - 2200 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act to repeal in part, and to amend and continue for a limited time, an Act passed in the fifty-ninth year of the Reign of His late Majesty George the Third, intituled, “An Act to repeal certain Acts therein-mentioned and to regulate the Lumber Trade.” (22d. March, 1823.) 1823 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to extend the powers of the Justices of the Peace, in certain cases specified in the fifteenth Session of an Act of the Legislature of this Province of the thirty-fifth year of the Reign of His Majesty George the Third, Chapter eight. (22d. March, 1823.) 1823 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to render voluntary Sheriff’s Sales, (Décrêts Volontaires) more easy and less expensive. (22d. March, 1823.) 1823 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to appropriate a Sum of Money therein-mentioned for the Erection of Stepping Mills in the Houses of Correction for the Districts of Quebec and Montreal. (22d March, 1823.) 1823 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to amend an Act passed in the thirty-fourth year of the Reign of His late Majesty, George the Third, intituled, “An Act for the division of the Province of Lower-Canada, to amend the Judicature thereof and to repeal certain Laws therein-mentioned, inasmuch as the same relates to the Courts of Criminal Jurisdiction.” (22d. March, 1823.) 1823 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to provide further Regulation concerning the Inspection and Packing of Beef and Pork, intended for Exportation. (22d March, 1823.) 1823 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to appropriate a certain Sum of Money therein-mentioned; for the Relief of Indigent Sick Emigrants from the United Kingdom. (22d March, 1823.) 1823 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to amend an Act passed in the fifty-eighth year of the Reign of his late Majesty George the Third, intituled, “An Act to provide more effectually for the security of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, by establishing a Watch and Night Lights in the said Cities, and for other purposes,” and to encrease the Funds necessary for the purposes of the said Act. (22d March, 1823.) 1823 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act further to continue for a limited time, an Act passed in the fifty-eighth year of the Reign of His late Majesty George the Third, intituled, “An Act to provide more effectually for the security of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, by establishing a Watch and Night Lights in the said Cities, and for other purposes.” (22d. March, 1823.) 1823 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to appropriate certain sums of Money therein mentioned towards opening and repairing a Road from Drummondville to Sorel and the Timiscouata Road, and for other purposes. (22d March, 1823.) 1823 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to make further provision for the Lieutenant-Governor of this Province, during his residence in this Province. (22d March, 1823.) 1823 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act further to continue for a limited time an Act passed in the fifty-seventh year of the Reign of His late Majesty, George the Third, intituled, “An Act to facilitate the Administration of Justice in certain Small Matters therein-mentioned, in the Country Parishes.” (22d March, 1823.) 1823 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to continue for a limited time, two certain Acts therein mentioned, relating to the Trial of Small Causes in the Country Parishes of this Province. (22d March, 1823.) 1823 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to grant to John Bragg the Exclusive Right and Privilege of erecting Bridges in this Province, according to the model therein-mentioned. (24th April, 1819.) 1819 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to authorize Anthony Anderson and others, Proprietors of Dorchester Bridge, to remove the same. (24th April, 1819.) 1819 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to authorize George Waters Allsopp, Esquire, and others therein mentioned, to build a Toll-Bridge over the River Jacques Cartier in the County of Hampshire. (24th April, 1819.) 1819 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to authorize Jean Lagorce to erect a Toll-Bridge over the Rivers Sud-Ouest and Calix, in the Parish of Saint Hyacinthe, in the County of Richelieu. (24th April, 1819.) 1819 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to make good a certain sum of money therein-mentioned, advanced to defray the expences of the Civil Government of this Province for the year one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. (24th April, 1819.) 1819 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to authorise George Le Pallieur to sell a certain Lot of Ground in his possession, entailed upon the Heirs of the late Charles Le Pallieur, situate on Saint Joseph Street, in the City of Montreal. (24th April, 1819.) 1819 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago
    An Act to appropriate a certain Sum of Money to provide for the expense of laying out Lands for Reduced Officers and Men of the Embodied Militia, and others, who served during the late War. (24th April, 1819.) 1819 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 3 months ago