An Act to continue the Act, to enable the Proprietors of Wilderness Lands in Onslow, to open Roads through the same. |
1827 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act to continue the Act for establishing a Bridewell, or House of Correction, for the County of Halifax, and for providing a Police Office in the said Town, with proper Officers to attend the same. |
1827 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act to continue the several Acts relating to the Light-House, erected on Cranberry Island, near the entrance of the Gut of Canso. |
1827 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act to continue an Act, entitled, “An Act in further addition to the Act relating to Wills, Legacies, and Executors, and for the Settlement and distribution of the Estates of Intestates.” |
1827 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act to continue the Act for the better preservation of the Property of the Inhabitants of the Town of Halifax, by providing for a sufficient Watch at Night. |
1827 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act to continue the Act respecting Aliens, coming into this Province, or residing therein. |
1827 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act to continue an Act for the Summary Trial of Actions, and the Act in amendment thereof. |
1827 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act to continue an Act for the further increase of the Revenue, by imposing a Duty upon Articles imported from Foreign Countries. |
1827 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act to continue the Act, more effectually to secure the payment of the Provincial Duties of Excise, and to prevent frauds in the collection of the Provincial Revenue. |
1827 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act for the further increase of the Revenue of the Province, by continuing an Act of the General Assembly, for raising a duty of Excise, as amended in the last Session of the General Assembly. |
1827 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act to alter and continue the Acts now in force, to provide for the support of His Majesty’s Government in this Province, and for promoting its Agriculture, Commerce, and Fisheries, by granting Duties of Impost on Wine, Brandy, Gin, Rum and other distilled Spirituous Liquors, Molasses, Coffee and Brown Sugar. |
1827 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act to continue the Acts for granting a Drawback of the Duties on Brown or Raw Sugar, used in the Manufacture of Refined Sugars, within the Province, and for regulating the mode of obtaining the same. |
1827 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act for granting an Annuity to James Boutineau Francklin, Esquire. |
1827 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act for applying certain Monies, therein mentioned, for the service of the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-Seven; and for appropriating such part of the Supplies granted in this Session of the General Assembly, as are not already appropriated by the Laws or Acts of the Province. |
1827 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act to secure to William Hague, and his Assigns, for a definite period, the exclusive use of the Cast Metal Patent Machine or Weigh-Bridge, for the purpose of Public Weighing in the Town of Halifax. |
1826 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act to allow of the Bridge at Bridgetown, in the County of Annapolis, being made a Drawbridge. |
1826 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act in addition to, and in amendment of, an Act, made and passed in the thirty-second year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Second, entitled, “An Act directing the Guardianship of Minors.” |
1826 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act in addition to an Act, made and passed in the fifty-fourth year of His late Majesty’s reign, relating to the quality and exportation of Ton Timber. |
1826 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act to provide for the erection and support of a Light-House on Mauger’s Beach, and to regulate the Light-Duties hereafter to be paid. |
1826 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |
An Act to continue an Act, in addition to an Act, passed in the thirty-third year of the reign of His late Majesty King George the Second, entitled, “An Act for regulating the rates and prices of Carriages.” |
1826 |
Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) |
2 years ago |