Displaying 811 - 820 of 1259 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to Provide for Constructing a Navigable Canal between Burlington Bay and Lake Ontario. Passed 19th March, 1823. 4 George IV – Chapter 8 1823 This Act provides officers, funds, and instructions for the construction and maintenance of a canal. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1823. York: Charles Fothergill, 1823.
An Act to afford Relief to Persons claiming Lands in this Province, under Assignments form Heirs, Devizees, or Assignees of the original Nominee of the Crown, in cases where no Patents had issued, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 19th March, 1823. 4 George IV – Chapter 7 1823 This Act entails lands and funds to those determined by previous acts. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1823. York: Charles Fothergill, 1823.
An Act to provide a Salary for the Adjutant General of Militia in this Province, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 19th March, 1823. 4 George IV – Chapter 6 1823 This Act provides funds for the salary and budget of the general militia. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1823. York: Charles Fothergill, 1823.
An Act to Repeal part of the Tenth Clause of an Act passed in the forty-eighth year of His late Majesty’s reign, entituled “An Act to Explain, Amend, and Reduce to One Act of Parliament the several Laws now in being for the Raising and Training the Militia of this Province,” and also part of an Act passed in the last Session of the present Parliament, entitled “An Act to Repeal part of, and Amend the Laws now in force for the Raising and Training the Militia of this Province,” and to increase the Strength of the Companies of Militia. Passed 19th March, 1823. 4 George IV – Chapter 5 1823 This Act repeals parts of a previous act concerning the militia, for the purpose of redetermining the numbers of men in militia companies. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1823. York: Charles Fothergill, 1823.
An Act to provide for the Appointment of Commissioners to investigate the claims of certain Inhabitants of this Province, for losses sustained by them during the late War with the United States of America, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 19th March, 1923. 4 George IV – Chapter 4 1823 This Act provides officers and funds for substantiating the losses of individuals and ensuring that they are repaid. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1823. York: Charles Fothergill, 1823.
An Act providing for the Publication of Reports of the decisions of His Majesty’s Court of King’s Bench in this Province. Passed 19th March, 1823. 4 George IV – Chapter 3 1823 This Act provides funds for the publishing of court records, as well as the rules for printing. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1823. York: Charles Fothergill, 1823.
An Act to provide for the Establishment of Courts in the District of Bathurst, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 29th January, 1823. 4 George IV – Chapter 2 1823 This Act provides funds, management, and conduct for the establishment of a court system in Bathurst. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1823. York: Charles Fothergill, 1823.
An Act to amend and extend the Provisions of An Act passed in the Second Year of His Majesty’s Reign, entituled “An Act to make Provision for the improvement of the Internal Navigation of this Province.” Passed 29th January, 1823. 4 George IV – Chapter 1 1823 This Act extends the deadlines imposed by previous acts concerning navigation. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1823. York: Charles Fothergill, 1823.
An Act to Regulate the Trade of the Province of Lower and Upper Canada, and for other purposes relating to the said Provinces. Passed 5th August, 1822. 52 George III – Chapter 119 1822 This act specifies the duties to be charged on the items listed when they are imported or exported between Upper and Lower Canada. Passed in 1822, it was ratified the following year. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to remunerate the Commissioners appointed to treat on behalf of this Province with the Commissioners of Lower Canada on the subject of our Commercial relations with that Province. Passed 17th January, 1822. 2 George IV – Chapter 27 1822 This Act allows for the payment of 100 pounds each to the three Commissioners who negotiated with their counterparts from Lower Canada on certain questions of duties and trade. Early Canadiana Online