Displaying 431 - 440 of 1259 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to repeal part of and to extend the provisions of an Act passed in the Third year of His Majesty's Reign, entitled, “An Act granting a sum of Money for the improvement of Roads and Bridges in the several Districts of this Province,” and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 6th March, 1834. 4 William IV – Chapter 47 1834 This act repeals some clauses of an act passed in 1833 and extends others, relating to the repair and building of roads and bridges in the province, and the funding of these works. Early Canadiana Online
An Act granting a sum of money in aid of the funds of the Female Benevolent Society of Kingston. Passed 6th March, 1834. 4 William IV – Chapter 46 1834 This act grants one hundred and fifty pounds to the Female Benevolent Society of Kingston to aid them in their charitable works. Early Canadiana Online
An Act granting to His Majesty a sum of money to enable His Majesty to compensate the services of the Arbitrator appointed under the Act of the Imperial Parliament, passed in the third year of His late Majesty's Reign, entitled “An Act to regulate the trade of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, and for other purposes relating to the said Provinces.” Passed, 6th March, 1884. 4 William IV – Chapter 45 1834 This act allows a sum of six hundred pounds to be transferred to the crown in order to pay the arbiters who have been appointed to negotiate trade and trade regulations between Lower and Upper Canada. Early Canadiana Online
An Act granting a sum of Money to defray the expense of erecting a Bridge over the Grand River at Paris, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed, 6th March, 1834. 4 William IV – Chapter 44 1834 This act is a response to a petition put forth by the residents of the village of Paris, who want a bridge built across the river near their district. A loan is put aside for any company or individual who should be open to taking on the project. Various regulations regarding the debts potentially incurred by this project are also defined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to grant a sum of Money to defray the expense of erecting a Bridge over the Grand River at Dunnville, and for other purposes therein contained. Passed 6th March, 1834. 4 William IV – Chapter 43 1834 This act is a response to the petition of residents of Dunnville who wish for a bridge over the river in the area. The act calls for the building of a toll bridge, and sets aside twelve hundred and fifty pounds in loan money for any company willing to take on the project. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise a Loan to the Tay Navigation Company. Passed 6th March, 1834. 4 William IV – Chapter 42 1834 This act allows the province to pay a loan of five thousand pounds to the Tay Navigation company in order to cover their lack of income which is inhibiting their ability to cover expenses such as workers' pay and costs of supplies for the river navigation project they are undertaking. The act specifies the terms of interest and repayment to the provincial government. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to revive and continue an Act granting to His Majesty a Duty on Licenses to Auctioneers, and on Goods, Wares and Merchandize sold by Auction. Passed 6th March, 1834. 4 William IV – Chapter 41 1834 This act continues an act which has expired, which allows for the taxation of goods sold at auction. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal part of, amend and extend the provisions of an Act passed in the last Sesion of the present Parliament, entitled “An Act granting to His Majesty a sum of money, to he raised by Debenture, for the improvement of the Navigation of the River Saint Lawrence.” Passed 6th March, 1834. 4 William IV – Chapter 40 1834 This act is an amendment to an act passed in 1833, which seeks to improve the navigation of the Saint Lawrence river. It amends the amount of money to be paid to the commissioners of the project, the dimensions of locks to be built on the river, and specifies damages to be paid to people who suffer damage to their property in the pursuit of this project. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter and amend the Charter and increase the Stock of the Welland Canal Company, and to authorise His Majesty's Receiver General to subscribe Stock in the said Company on behalf of this Province. Passed, 6th March, 1854. 4 William IV – Chapter 39 1834 This act is an amendment to the charter of the Welland Canal Company, enabling the province to buy more stocks in the company which will in turn allow the said company to pay some debts it has incurred in its project. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal part of an Act passed in the third year of His Majesty's reign, entitled “An Act granting to His Majesty a sum of money to defray the expense of erecting a Penitentiary in this Province, and for other purposes therein mentioned.” Passed, 6th March, 1834. 4 William IV – Chapter 38 1834 This act repeals an act passed in 1833 which granted twelve thousand five hundred pounds in three installments to the commissioners appointed to build a penitentiary, as the commissioners in question have indicated it is more expedient to receive the entire amount at once. Early Canadiana Online