Displaying 891 - 900 of 1334 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act for continuing the several Laws relating to the Duty on licensed Houses. 23 George III – Chapter 14 1783 This Act continues multiple acts related to licenses for public houses, which are to remain in force until 1784. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for regulating Inns, and Taverns on all the Public Roads throughout this Province, and establishing the Prices of Entertainment for Travellers and their Horses. 23 George III – Chapter 13 1783 This Act introduces regulated prices for inns and taverns in the Province along public roads to stop innkeepers from charging exorbitant prices. Allowable rates for services and lodging are listed. Penalties for those who offend against this Act's terms are outlined. This Act is to remain in force for two years. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for Licensing Butchers, and preventing them in future from being guilty of Extortion, and other Misbehavior. 23 George III – Chapter 12 1783 This Act is a response to the butchers of Halifax charging exorbitant prices for meats. Allowable prices are outlined, as well as penalties for those found to offend against this Act. This Act also dictates that the Market House is to remain open from sunrise to sunset. This Act is to remain in force for two years. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for Establishing the Times of holding Inferior Courts of Common Pleas in the District of Colchester in the County of Halifax. 23 George III – Chapter 11 1783 Under this Act, an Inferior Court of Common Pleas is to be held in Onslow for the district of Colchester every February and August. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for Establishing and Regulating Ferries. 23 George III – Chapter 10 1783 This Act makes empowers Justices of the Peace to establish ferries over any river, bay, or creek as deemed necessary, as directed. Penalties for ferrymen who neglect to fulfill their obligations are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relieving his Majesty’s Subjects, professing the Popish Religion from Certain Penalties and Disabilities imposed upon them by two Acts of the General Assembly of this Province, made in the Thirty Second Year of his late Majesty’s Reign, intitled, “An Act, confirming Titles to Lands and quieting Possessions, and an Act for the Establishment of Religious public Worship in this Province, and for Suppressing of Popery.” 23 George III – Chapter 9 1783 This Act repeals several measures imposed on Catholics two previous acts, especially related to their ability to own property and penalties for persons found harbouring priests. This Act is not to take effect until His Majesty's will is known. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for fixing the Place and Time for holding the Courts of General Sessions of the Peace and Inferior Courts of Common Pleas in the County of Sunbury. 23 George III – Chapter 8 1783 Under this Act, a General Sessions of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas are to be held in Maugerville every June and October. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for Establishing the Times of holding an Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace in the Township of Shelburne. 23 George III – Chapter 7 1783 Under this Act, an Inferior Court of Common Pleas and Court of General Sessions of the Peace are to be held in Shelburne every March and October. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in further Addition to an Act made in the Second Year of his present Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for appointing Fire Wards, ascertaining their Duty; and for Punishing Thefts and Disorders, at the Time of Fire.” 23 George III – Chapter 6 1783 This Act makes provision for the appointment of 9 men to be firemen in Halifax who are charged with keeping the fire engine in good order. One of these men is to be empowered as a fire ward and is to have the power to command assistance as necessary. Sums necessary for the repair of the fire engine are to be levied from the inhabitants of Halifax. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in further Addition to, and Amendment of an Act made in the first Year of his present Majesty’s Reign, intitled, “An Act for repairing and mending Highways, Roads, Bridges and Streets, and for Appointing Surveyors of Highways within the several Townships in this Province.” 23 George III – Chapter 5 1783 This Act clarifies a former Act, “An Act in Addition to, and Amendment of an Act, made in the first year of his present Majesty’s reign, entitled, ‘An Act for Repairing Highways, Roads, Bridges and Streets, and for Appointing Surveyors of Highways within the several Townships in this Province,’” relating to the allowable width of roads and highways. Early Canadiana Online