Displaying 881 - 890 of 1334 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to prevent the Destroying of Buoys, Beacons or Sea Marks, which shall be set or placed by Authority, in any Harbour, River, Creek, or Bay, within this Province. 25 George III Chapter 6 1784 This Act sets a fine of one hundred pounds to be collected from any person who moves or destroys buoys, beacons, or seamarks in any waterways in the province and a fine of twenty pounds for any person who makes fast to the seamarks. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to ascertain the Number of Representatives to be elected to serve in General Assembly for the several Counties and Townships therein mentioned. 25 George III Chapter 5 1784 This Act lists the number of representatives that certain townships and counties are entitled to elect to serve in the General Assembly. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in Amendment of and further Addition to an Act made in the 32d Year of his late Majesty’s Reign, Intitled, “An Act for preventing Trespasses.” 25 George III Chapter 4 1784 This Act amends the 1758 Act, “An Act for preventing Trespasses,” relating to trespasses committed by horses and livestock. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for Establishing an Inferior Court of Common Pleas and a Court of General Sessions of the Peace in the Township of Manchester, in the District formerly called Chedabucto. 25 George III Chapter 3 1784 This Act establishes a court of common pleas to be held every May and October in Manchester, in response to a want of roads between Manchester and Halifax. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to impower the Justices in the several Counties within this Province to issue Summons’s for the Attendance of Witnesses on Trials. 25 George III Chapter 2 1784 This Act outlines the processes by which witnesses can be called to court, and provides a form of summons for persons living five or more miles away from the court. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for more effectually making Lands and Tenements liable for the Payment of Debts, also to enable the Holders of small Mortgages to sell the Premises mortgaged to them more speedily and at less Expence then heretofore, as also to repeal an Act made in the Thirty Second Year of his late Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for making Lands and Tenements liable to the Payment of Debts.” 25 George III Chapter 1 1784 This Act repeals and replaces the 1758 Act, "An Act for making Lands and Tenements liable to the Payment of Debts," relating to regulations on appraisals of property, processes by which creditors can collect payments of debts, and procedures to take place if the debtor cannot repay their creditor. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in Amendment of, and for Continuing an Act made in the last General Assembly of this Province, intitled, “An Act to raise a Sum of Money towards keeping in Repair the Roads leading from Halifax to Windsor, and the District of Colchester.” 23 George III – Chapter 18 1783 This Act continues a former Act, "“An Act to raise a Sum of Money towards keeping in Repair the Roads leading from Halifax to Windsor, and the District of Colchester," with a few amendments. Under this Act, there is only to be one turnpike gate to pay for road repairs past Sackville Bridge towards Windsor and the district of Colchester. Penalties for persons who damage the turnpike gate or threaten the collector there are outlined. This Act is to remain in force for one year. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for continuing several Acts that are near expiring. 23 George III – Chapter 17 1783 This Act lists several acts related to the justice system which are to remain in force until the end of the session of the General Assembly and to the next following. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for Establishing the Standard Weight of Grain and for Appointing proper Officers for Measuring Grain, Salt and Coals, and ascertaining the Standard Size of Bricks. 23 George III – Chapter 16 1783 This Act makes provision for the appointment of two persons to measure grain, salt, and coals, and to inspect bricks, in each township. Their duties and fees are outlined as well as the sums they are allowed to claim from those collected as compensation. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for continuing the several Acts of the General Assembly of this Province, relating to the Duties of Impost and Excise on Wines, Beer, Rum and other distilled Spirituous Liquors, and for continuing the several Acts of the General Assembly of this Province, relating to the Duties of Excise on Molasses and Brown Sugar, sold within or brought into this Province, and for the more effectual improving, and extending the Trade of this Colony to the West Indies. 23 George III – Chapter 15 1783 This Act continues multiple acts related to the collection of duties on beer, rum, wines, spirituous liquors, sugar, or molasses, which are to continue to remain in force until December 1784. Early Canadiana Online