Displaying 811 - 820 of 1334 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act, to provide for the future Maintenance of the Poor now maintained at the Province Expence. 31 George III Chapter 2 1791 This Act makes provision for the poor formerly maintained at the province's expense to be supported by the town of Halifax and grants the town a yearly sum of fifteen hundred pounds for this purpose. Early Canadiana Online
An Act, in Addition to, and Amendment of an Act, made in the Thirteenth Year of His present Majesty’s Reign, intitled, “An Act for rating and levying the Expences attending the executing Writs of Partition.” 31 George III Chapter 1 1791 This Act amends the 1773 Act, "An Act for the rating and levying the Expences attending the executing Writs of Partition," relating to the sale of lands when the proprietor fails to pay their share of the expences outlined under the former Act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in Amendment of an Act, intitled, “an Act for establishing a public Market House in Halifax, and for regulating the same,” also in Amendment of an Act, intitled, “an Act for building a public Slaughter House in the Town of Halifax, and for regulating the same.” 30 George III Chapter 15 1790 This Act amends the 1760 Acts, "An Act for establishing a public Market House in Halifax, and for regulating the same," and "An Act for building a public Slaughter House in the Town of Halifax, and for regulating the same," relating to how individuals, their servants, or their agents, are permitted to bring livestock into Halifax to butcher and sell. This Act is to remain in force until July 1791. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for reviving and continuing in Force the several Acts herein after mentioned. 30 George III Chapter 14 1790 This Act lists several recently expired acts, largely relating to the justice system or infrastructure, which are to be revived and remain in force until July 1791. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for reviving, continuing and amending the several Acts for suppressing unlicensed Houses, and for granting to his Majesty a Duty on Persons hereafter to be licensed; as also for compelling Persons retailing Gunpowder within the Peninsula of Halifax, to take out a License for retailing the same. 30 George III Chapter 13 1790 This Act continues and amends several acts relating to licenses for persons retailing liquor and introduces a license for persons retailing gunpowder. The rates of duties on these licenses are described as well as penalties for persons found to be in defiance of this Act. This also discontinues the practice of allowing Justices to give licenses away for free or for a lower rate than proscribed by this Act. This Act is to remain in force until July 1791. Early Canadiana Online
An Act, intitled, “An Act for appointing Commissioners to superintend and direct the Maintenance and Support of certain Poor Persons known by the general Appellation of Transient Poor.” 30 George III Chapter 12 1790 This Act ends certain provincially-funded provisions made for the poor, including the work house in Halifax, and enacts that each town is to maintain their own poor. The processes by which each town should maintain their poor and processes for the transition from provincial to local are outlined, including how transient persons are to be removed from Halifax. This Act is to remain in force until July 1791. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the Support and Maintenance of his Majesty’s Government in this Province by reviving, amending and continuing the several Laws for raising a Revenue hereinafter particularly mentioned and expressed. 30 George III Chapter 11 1790 This Act revives several acts relating to import and excise duties, including “An Act for the more effectually raising a Revenue within this Province, for the Support of its Government,” which had recently expired. The Act also outlines some amendments, including the rates of duties on wines, sugar, beer, and teas. This Act is to remain in force until July 1791. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide a suitable Place for the General Assembly and King’s Courts to sit in, and for other public Purposes. 30 George III Chapter 10 1790 This Act outlines how commissioners should be appointed to oversee the leasing of a building near the Government House to serve as a court house to replace the building destroyed by a recent fire. Allowable sums for furnishing the building and the processes by which the lease is to be executed are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in Addition to an Act made in the fifth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, intitled, “An Act for the raising Money by Presentment on the several Counties in this Province, for the defraying certain County Charges therein mentioned.” 30 George III Chapter 9 1790 This Act amends the 1765 Act, "An Act for the Raising Money by presentment on the several Counties in this Province, for the Defraying Certain County Charges therein mention’d," to define how Clerks of the Peace should be paid for certain services. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in Amendment of an Act for regulating the manner of issuing Process and Execution from the Inferior Courts of Common Pleas for the several Counties in this Province, and for altering the Form of the Summons heretofore used by his Majesty’s Justices of the Peace, also in Amendment and declaratory of the Act for the Summary Trials of Actions. 30 George III Chapter 8 1790 This Act amends the processes by which summons are to be executed and the ways that the summons are to be directed. Early Canadiana Online