Displaying 711 - 720 of 1334 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act in amendment of an Act, passed in the Thirty-fifth year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act to amend, and reduce into one Act, the several Laws, now in being, relating to a Militia in this Province.” 37 George III – Chapter 6 1797 An amendment of an act first passed in 1795, which consolidated several past acts regarding militia service in the province. It includes details on who is and is not exempted from militia service, the number of times militia companies are to be mustered per year, payment for service, and various other matters. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in amendment of an Act, passed in the twenty-ninth year of His present Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act for altering the Times appointed for holding the Court of Common Pleas, and the General Sessions of the Peace, in the County of Sydney.” 37 George III – Chapter 5 1797 This act changes the times at which the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace for the county of Sydney are held, to the first Tuesday of March and the first Tuesday of October. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to explain and amend an Act, passed in the seventh year of His present Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act for partition of Lands in Coparcenary, Joint Tenancy, and Tenancy in Common, and, thereby, for the more effectual collecting His Majesty’s Quit Rents, in the Colony of Nova-Scotia.” 37 George III – Chapter 4 1797 An amendment to an act first passed in 1767, which made provision for lots of land possessed by absent persons to be divided. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in amendment of an Act, passed in the Twenty-ninth year of the reign of His present Majesty, entitled, “An Act for the better regulation of Elections.” 37 George III – Chapter 3 1797 An amendment to an act first passed in 1789, which detailed how members of the legislative assembly are to be elected and how elections are to be held. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to enable the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or Commander in Chief for the time being, to appoint Trustees, for the Common of the Town of Dartmouth, on the death, or removal, of the Trustees holding the same, and to vacate that part of the grant of the Common aforesaid, which vests the trust in the heirs, executors or administrators, of the Trustees, named in the said grant, on the death of such Trustees. 37 George III – Chapter 2 1797 This act provides for the replacement of trustees of the Dartmouth town plat, which was granted to Thomas Cochran, Timothy Folger, and Samuel Starbuck, in trust, for the common use of the town in 1788. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for appointing Commissioners to determine upon a proper situation, in the town of Halifax, and to purchase Lots of Ground, if necessary, to erect a Public Building, for the accommodation of the General Assembly, Court of Chancery, Supreme Court, and Court of Admiralty, and Public Offices, and for procuring plans and estimates for a building hereafter to be erected for the residence of the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or Commander in Chief, for the time being. 37 George III – Chapter 1 1797 This act appoints the named individuals as commissioners to determine a suitable site within the town of Halifax for a provincial court building, a building to house the legislative assembly, and the various offices associated with the courts and assembly. Once the site is determined, the commissioners are authorized to enter into contracts with workmen, estimate costs based on plans, and purchase materials. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for applying certain monies, therein mentioned, for the service of the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety six, and for appropriating such part of the supplies, granted in this session of General Assembly, as are not already appropriated by the Laws or Acts of the Province. 36 George III – Chapter 18 1796 This act was not published. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for making, repairing, laying out and altering, Roads, Highways, Bridges and Streets, within the County of Annapolis, and for the more effectual apportionment of the work and labour of the inhabitants within the said County, to be performed in and about the same. 36 George III – Chapter 17 1796 This act was not published. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in addition to an Act, made in the fifth year of his present Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act for the raising money by presentment on the several Counties in this Province, for the defraying certain county charges therein mentioned.” 36 George III – Chapter 16 1796 An amendment to an act first passed in 1765, which made it lawful for the grand juries in each county to make presentment upon all sums necessary for the construction or repairing of jails, courts, session houses, stocks, pillories, or pounds, and for providing bolts, shackles, and the conveying of persons to the county goal. Although the title of this act states that the original act being amendment was passed in 6 Geo. III, it was in fact passed in 5 Geo. III. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to prohibit the exportation of Wheat, Rye, Barley, Indian Corn, Flour, Rye and Indian Corn Meal. 36 George III – Chapter 15 1796 This act was not published. Early Canadiana Online