Displaying 501 - 510 of 1334 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to encourage the raising of Bread Corn on New Lands. 51 George III – Chapter 13 1811 This act was not published. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue in force the several Acts therein mentioned. 51 George III – Chapter 12 1811 This act was not published. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to revive and continue an Act, made and passed in the thirty-eighth year of His present Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act to amend and render more effectual an Act, passed in the eighteenth year of His present Majesty’s Reign, entitled, ‘An act to prevent the forestalling, regrating, and monopolizing of Cord Wood in the Town of Halifax.’” 51 George III – Chapter 11 1811 This is a continuation of an act passed in 1798, which was itself an amendment of an act first passed in 1778, preventing the sale of cord wood for any price over fifteen shillings per cord. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the more easy recovery of Debts against Co-Partners and Joint Debtors. 51 George III – Chapter 10 1811 This act makes it easier to proceed against debtors who hold debt jointly, whether they be in province or out of province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to establish Grammar Schools in several Counties and Districts of this Province. 51 George III – Chapter 9 1811 This act establishes the regulations for the establishment of grammar schools (or secondary schools) throughout the province. The appointment of trustees given the responsibility of establishing and maintaining these schools is left up to the executive, rather than being a responsibility handed to the community as was done for primary schools in 51 Geo.III cap 8. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for Encouraging the Establishment of Schools throughout the Province. 51 George III – Chapter 8 1811 This act empowers townships, districts or settlements of at least 30 families to establish their own schools. The process for the establishment of these schools is laid out within the act, from raising the funds to support such a school to appointing trustees to manage the schools. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter an Act, entitled, “An Act to regulate the Expenditure of Monies hereafter to be appropriated for the Service of Roads and Bridges.” 51 George III – Chapter 7 1811 This act was not published. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to regulate the proceedings of the Court of Escheats. 51 George III – Chapter 6 1811 This act regulates how public notices concerning court of escheats proceedings are to be published, and how inquiries are to proceed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in addition to, and amendment of, an Act, passed in the Forty-eighth Year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act to provide for the accommodation and billeting of His Majesty’s Troops, or of the Militia, when on their march from one part of the Province to another.” 51 George III – Chapter 5 1811 An amendment to an act first passed in 1808, which regulated the provisioning and billeting of militia troops when they are on active duty and moving from one place in the province to another. The amendment concerns the manner of payment to those who provide provisioning to troops on the move. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to enable the Inhabitants of each Township to raise Money for defraying the expense attending the running or perambulating the Lines and Bounds of the respective Townships in this Province. 51 George III – Chapter 4 1811 This act makes it possible for townships to raise money in order to pay for the expense of having to re-establish their boundaries every three years, as required by the laws governing the support of the poor of each township. Early Canadiana Online