Displaying 461 - 470 of 1334 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to revive and continue an Act for imposing an additional Duty of Excise on Rum, and other Distilled Spirituous Liquors, and for appropriating the same. 53 George III – Chapter 8 1813 A continuation of an act first passed in 1808, which imposes a duty on various liquors. (NB: the original was not published.) Early Canadiana Online
An Act to revive and continue the several Acts of the General Assembly for the further increase of the Revenue, by raising a Duty of Excise on all Goods, Wares and Merchandise, imported into this Province. 53 George III – Chapter 7 1813 A continuation of several acts which impose a duty on various imported goods. Early Canadiana Online
An Act imposing a Duty on Articles to be imported from the United States of America, and for appropriating the same. 53 George III – Chapter 6 1813 This act places a duty of ten percent on all items imported from the United States, excepting certain goods listed within the act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the improvement of the Great Roads through the Province. 53 George III – Chapter 5 1813 This act sets the terms for the expansion of the roads through the province from Windsor to Truro, from Sackville to Half-Way River, and from Falmouth to Horton. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for granting to his Majesty an additional Revenue. 53 George III – Chapter 4 1813 This act was not published. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in addition to, and amendment of an Act, passed in the thirty-fourth year of his late Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act for appointing Commissioners of Sewers.” 53 George III – Chapter 3 1813 This Act amends the 1769 Act, "An Act in further Addition to and Amendment of an Act, made in the Thirty Fourth Year of His late Majesty’s Reign, intitled 'An Act for appointing Commissioners of Sewers,'" making the decisions of the commissioners of sewers eligible for review by the supreme court of the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter, amend and continue, the several Acts of the General Assembly of this Province, now in force, relating to a Militia. 53 George III – Chapter 2 1813 A continuation and amendment of past acts regulating the militia of the province. The amended acts regard mostly absenteeism of militia members and penalties for both individual militia men and militia officers, and changes to militia regulations during times of war. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for applying certain Monies therein mentioned, for the service of the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirteen; and for appropriating such part of the Supplies granted in this Session of the General Assembly as are not already appropriated by the Laws or the Acts of the Province. 53 George III – Chapter 1 1813 This act was not published. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to raise a sum of Money, not exceeding Nine Thousand Pounds, by Lottery, for the purpose of Building a Bridge over the River Avon, at the Point of Rocks so called, between Windsor and Falmouth, in the County of Hants. 59 George III – Chapter 12 1812 This act details how money is to be raised by lottery, in order to build a bridge over the River Avon. The amount to be raised is not to exceed nine thousand pounds, and the plan for the lottery, along with the collection of funds, will be carried out by appointed managers. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter the Meetings of Parishioners for the choice of Vestry Men and Church Wardens, for the several Parishes in this Province. 52 George III – Chapter 15 (Session 1) 1812 This act alters the time for meetings held to choose vestry men and church wardens, to once annually, on the Monday following Easter. Early Canadiana Online