Legislation by Province: Nova Scotia (1758-1825**)
Displaying 1321 - 1330 of 1334 entries
Title | Chapter | Date Passed | Legislative Summary | Source Document |
An Act for preventing Trespasses. | 32 George II – Chapter 14 | 1758 | This Act sets standards for fences and sets procedures for how and in what cases damages done by horses or livestock should be compensated. Swine are also not to be permitted to be at large in the streets of Halifax. | National Archive of the United Kingdom |
An Act relating to Treasons and Felonies. | 32 George II – Chapter 13 | 1758 | Under this Act anyone found to compass or imagine the King's death, levy war against him, assist his enemies, or forge counterfeit money or counterfeit seals, is to be convicted of high treason. Punishments for other felonies like rape, abortion, or killing, or attempting to kill or maim, or accidentally killing another person, are outlined. | National Archive of the United Kingdom |
An Act to prevent the Sale of Slop-Cloathing, and for punishing the Concealers or Harbourers of Seamen or Marines deferring from the Royal Navy. | 32 George II – Chapter 12 | 1758 | This Act makes it illegal for Seamen or Marines to sell their uniforms and defines punishments for those found to be harbouring the same. This Act is to remain in force for the term of the present war (the Seven Years War). | National Archive of the United Kingdom |
An Act relating to Wills, Legacies, and Executors, and for the Settlement and Distribution of the Estates of Intestates. | 32 George II – Chapter 11 | 1758 | This Act regulates how wills are to be enacted and puts restrictions on how much property can be bequeathed without the oath of witnesses. The Act also outlines what is to be done in the event that inheritors or witnesses are deceased. | National Archive of the United Kingdom |
An Act to prevent forestalling the Market. | 32 George II – Chapter 10 | 1758 | This Act regulates when live stock, fresh provision, and other articles as listed brought in from neighbouring colonies can be sold. Under this Act, goods are to be held at a public wharf for forty-eight hours before being sold, and that a cryer is to announce the sale. | National Archive of the United Kingdom |
An Act for erecting a House of Correction or Workhouse, within the Town of Halifax. | 32 George II – Chapter 9 | 1758 | This Act provides a sum of five hundred pounds to be collected from duties on spirituous liquors to be put towards the construction of a workhouse to be built to the dimensions specified. Commissioners to oversee the construction are appointed. | National Archive of the United Kingdom |
An Act for erecting a Lighthouse at the Entrance of the Harbour of Halifax. | 32 George II – Chapter 8 | 1758 | This Act provides a sum of one thousand pounds to be put towards the construction of a lighthouse and dwelling house on Sambro Island and appoints commissioners to oversee the construction. | National Archive of the United Kingdom |
An Act for Establishing the Rate of Spanish Dollars, and the Interest of Money within this Province. | 32 George II – Chapter 7 | 1758 | This Act sets the rate of Spanish Dollars at five shillings. | National Archive of the United Kingdom |
An Act for Establishing and Regulating a Militia. | 32 George II – Chapter 6 | 1758 | This Act outlines the processes by which a militia is to be formed and function in the Province, included who is liable to serve in it, the structure of the regiments, the terms of service required, and fines for those who defy the terms of this Act. | National Archive of the United Kingdom |
An Act for the Establishment of Religious Publick Worship in this Province, and for suppressing of Popery. | 32 George II – Chapter 5 | 1758 | This Act prohibits persons not appointed as ministers under the Church of England from teaching or preaching, provided that dissenting Protestants can elect their own ministers. Catholic priests are to be removed from the Province before 25 March 1759. | National Archive of the United Kingdom |