Displaying 1281 - 1290 of 1334 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act for regulating the Rates and Price of Carriages. 33 George II – Chapter 11 (Session 2) 1759 This Act restricts the price that can be demanded by owners of trucks, carts, and other carriages and provides for a table of allowable rates to be drawn up. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act for the better and more effectual Establishment of the Church of England in this Province. 33 George II – Chapter 10 (Session 2) 1759 This Act makes provision for the yearly selection of church-wardens, vestry, and parish officers in accordance with a former 1758 Act, “An Act for the Establishment of Religious publick Worship in this Province, and for the suppressing of Popery.” National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act in Addition to an Act intitled, An Act for regulating Petit Juries, and declaring the Qualification of Jurors. 33 George II – Chapter 9 (Session 2) 1759 This Act makes additions to an Act passed in the former session, "An Act for regulating Petit Juries, and declaring the Qualification of Jurors," restricting who is eligible to serve as petit jurors. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act to prevent disorderly Riding Horses and Driving Carts, Trucks, and Sleds, Slays or any other Carriage whatsoever, within the Town of Halifax, or any other Town within the Province. 33 George II – Chapter 8 (Session 2) 1759 This Act implements fines for those found to be driving in a disorderly manner, as specified, within Halifax or the limits of other towns in the Province. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act to prevent the importing disabled, infirm, and other useless Persons into this Province. 33 George II – Chapter 7 (Session 2) 1759 This Act requires all masters bringing persons with disabilities or otherwise "useless" into the province to enter into a bond of 30 pounds. National Archive of the United Kingdom
Resolution of His Excellency the Governor, in General Assembly, in Explanation of the Impost-Act. 33 George II – Chapter 7 (Session 1) 1759 This Act clarifies that meaning of the word "importer" in former legislation relating to the import of wines, beer, rum, and liquor. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act in Addition to an Act, intitled, An Act relating to the assize of Bread, and for ascertaining the standard of weights and measures; made and passed in the 32d Year of His Majesty’s Reign. 33 George II – Chapter 6 (Session 2) 1759 This Act makes additions to the 1758 Act, "An Act relating to the assize of Bread, and for ascertaining the standard of weights and measures." The sums collected by virtue of these Acts are to go to support the construction of the market and to the poor, as described. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act for allowing a Drawback of Part of the Impost Duties on Wines, Beer, Rum and other distilled Spirituous Liquors, on their being exported out of this Province. 33 George II – Chapter 6 (Session 1) 1759 Under this Act, two thirds of the duty imposed on wines, beer, rum, and other liquors are to be drawn back when they are being exported out of the Province. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act to enable Proprietors to divide their Lands held in common and undivided. 33 George II – Chapter 5 (Session 2) 1759 This Act outlines the processes by which common lands can be divided among its proprietors, to have the same effect as if the same had been done by deeds of partition. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act for regulating Petit Juries, and declaring the Qualification of Jurors. 33 George II – Chapter 5 (Session 1) 1759 This Act regulates who is eligible to serve as a petit juror, including by setting minimum income and property requirements. National Archive of the United Kingdom