Displaying 221 - 230 of 1170 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to provide more effectually for the safe conveyance of Prisoners charged with Criminal Offences, from the Country parts of this Province to the Common Gaols of the several Districts. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 37 1836 Under this Act, sergeants, officers, and captain's of the militia are to serve as peace officers in the district wherein they reside and, upon command by any Justice of the Peace or Superior Officer of the Militia, assist in conveying prisoners to jail, as described. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to regulate the Measurement of Coal. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 36 1836 This Act specifies how coal is to be measured. It is to remain in force until 1840. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the Medical Treatment of Sick Mariners. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 35 1836 This Act makes provision for the treatment of sick mariners arriving at the ports of Montreal or Quebec, including outlining how hospitals should be paid for treating them. This Act is to remain in force until 1840. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and to consolidate the provisions therein made for the encouragement of useful Arts in this Province. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 34 1836 This Act repeals and replaces the 1831 Act, “An Act for the encouragement of the useful Arts in this Province,” in addition to previous Acts as listed. This Act outlines how patents can be acquired and is to remain in force until 1840. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time, and to amend a certain Act therein mentioned, relative to the establishment of Mutual Fire Assurance Companies. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 33 1836 This Act continues and amends the 1834 Act, “An Act to authorize the establishment of Mutual Fire Insurance Companies,” and repeals all sections contrary to this Act. This Act is to remain in force until 1856. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time certain Acts therein mentioned. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 32 1836 This Act continues several previously passed Acts, as listed, for an extended time. These Acts are all to remain in force until 1840. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the reimbursement of certain sums of money expended for Sanitary and Charitable purposes, and to make provision for similar purposes for the future. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 31 1836 This Act provides several sums, as listed, towards providing for the several charitable and health institutions described. The processes by which these sums are to be accounted for are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the encouragement of Education in this Province. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 30 1836 This Act provides several sums to be distributed towards supporting the several schools listed in the Province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the support of divers Charitable Institutions, and for other purposes therein mentioned. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 29 1836 This Act distributes several sums to reimburse the expenses incurred by several charitable and healthcare institutions in the Province. The processes by which these sums are to be accounted for are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide less expensive means for the recovery of wages due to Seamen of Vessels belonging to or registered in this Province. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 28 1836 This Act provides the processes by which Masters owing wages to seamen can be made to pay what is due. This Act is to remain in force until 1838. Early Canadiana Online