Displaying 271 - 280 of 1170 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to indemnify Francois Fortier for certain Extra Work by him performed, in building the new Hall of Assembly. (18th March, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 24 1834 This Act provides a sum not exceeding five hundred and eighteen pounds and seven pence halfpenny to indemnify Francois Fortier for the extra work and expenses incurred by him in fulfilling the terms outlined under the 1833 Act, “An Act to provide for the erection of a new Hall of Assembly." Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate certain sums of money to the encouragement of Education in this Province. (18th March, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 23 1834 This Act grants several sums, as listed, to support schools in the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to enable His Majesty to acquire for the public uses of the Province a certain House and lot of Ground adjoining the north-west Wing of the building in which the Sittings of the Legislature are now held, and for other purposes therein mentioned. (18th March, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 22 1834 This Act makes provision for the acquisition of a house and lot belonging to the Representatives of the late Jean Baptiste Morin, and describes the processes by which this property is to be acquired, including allowable expenses. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relief of the Religious Society called the “Universalist Society,” in the Township of Ascot and the neighbourhood thereof. (18th March, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 21 1834 Under this Act, Universalist ministers are allowed to keep registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials, according to certain stipulations as outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relief of the Members of the Free-will Baptist Church, in the Township of Stanstead. (18th March, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 20 1834 Under this Act, the minister of the Free-will Baptist Church of Stanstead is authorised to keep registers of marriages, births, and burials, according to certain stipulations as outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relief of the Congregational Societies in this Province. (18th March, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 19 1834 Under this Act, Congregationalist ministers are to be allowed to keep registers of marriages, baptisms, and burials, according to certain stipulations as outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the reimbursement of a certain sum of money advanced towards the support of the Quarantine Establishment at Grosse Isle, during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, and for other purposes therein mentioned. (18th March, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 18 1834 This Act provides a sum not exceeding four thousand two hundred and seventy-two pounds six shillings and sixpence to reimburse the sum advanced to establish a quarantine at Grosse Isle in 1833, in addition to other sums as listed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate certain sums of money therein mentioned in aid of certain Charitable Institutions in the City of Montreal. (18th March, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 17 1834 This Act advances several sums, as listed, to charitable institutions in the city of Montreal. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate certain sums of money therein mentioned in aid of certain Charitable Institutions in the City of Quebec, and Town of Three Rivers. (18th March, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 16 1834 This Act provides several sums to charitable institutions in Quebec and Trois-Rivières. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time and to amend certain Acts therein mentioned relating to the collection of the revenue at the several Inland Forts of this Province. (18th March, 1834.) 4 William IV Chapter 15 1834 This Act amends and continues the 1829 Act, “An Act to regulate and establish the Salaries and other emoluments of the Officers employed in the collection of the revenue at the several Inland Ports of this Province, and for other purposes," which was continued in 1830, 1831, and 1832. This Act is to remain in force until 1835. Early Canadiana Online