Displaying 921 - 940 of 4386 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to amend the Act to incorporate the Maduxnikik Boom Company. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 80 1847 This Act incorporates the Maduxnikik Boom Company, detailing their rights and responsibilities concerning safety procedures. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to incorporate the Saint John Phoenix Fire Insurance Company. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 79 1847 This Act incorporates the Saint John Fire Insurance Company, detailing the management and protection in the case of fire. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to incorporate the Saint John Omnibus and Transit Company. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 78 1847 This Act incorporates the Saint John Omnibus and Transit Company, detailing the officials appointed, stock managed, and services provided. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to incorporate the King’s County Mutual Insurance Company. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 77 1847 This Act incorporates the King's County Mutual Insurance Company for the purpose of insuring against loss from fire. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to incorporate the Madam Keswick Boom Company. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 76 1847 This Act incorporates the Madam Keswick Boom Company, detailing their rights and responsibilities, particularly as it refers to safety protocol. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to incorporate the Chignecto Railway Company. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 75 1847 This Act incorporates the Chignecto Railway Company, detailing their rights and responsibilities. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to incorporate the British North America Electro-Magnectic Telegraph Association. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 74 1847 This Act incorporates the British North American Electro-Magnetic Telegraph Association, including listing the names of management, and their rights and responsibilities. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to incorporate the York and Carleton Mining Company. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 73 1847 This Act incorporates the York and Carleton Mining Company, including the appointment of officers, management of lands and funds, and process for doing so. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to provide for the incorporation of certain Presbyterian Churches in this Province not in connexion with the Established Church of Scotland. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 71 1847 This Act provides for the incorporation of Presbyterian Churches, including management of lands, funds, and trustees. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to authorize the Justices of the Peace for the County of Carleton to levy an assessment for the erection of a new Gaol and other County Buildings in the said County, and to pay off the County Debt and the contingent and other expenses of the said County. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 68 1847 This Act provides for the erection of a Gaol, including the necessary funds, management, and lands. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to alter part of the Great Road of Communication leading from Newcastle to Bathurst. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 67 1847 This Act alters the great road route from Newcastle to Bathurst due to the seasonal dangers of the previous route. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to prevent injuries on Lands in the vicinity of the River Saint John, by persons conveying Timber, Logs or Lumber down the same. Passed 4th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 66 1847 This Act details the safety procedures for conveying timber down the Saint John River. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to continue an Act to regulate the Survey and Exportation of Lumber. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 65 1847 This Act extends the deadlines imposed by a previous act on lumber exportation. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to revive an Act relating to the Inspection of Fish for Home consumption and exportation. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 64 1847 This Act extends the deadline of a previous act concerning the inspection of fish. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act further to amend the Law regulating proceedings before Justices of the Peace in Civil Suits. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 62 1847 This Act creates time constraints regarding previous acts of justice administered in civil suits. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to amend an Act, intituled An Act for improving the administration of Justice in Criminal cases. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 61 1847 This Act details the offences related to forgeries and the penalties for said crimes. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to amend an Act, intituled An Act for improving the administration of Justice in Criminal cases. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 61 1847 This Act details the offences related to forgeries and the penalties of said fines. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act for the further amendment of the Law and the better advancement of Justice. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 60 1847 This Act prevents the delay of judgments. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to amend the Act repealing the Acts affording relief to persons unfortunate in business. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 59 1847 This Act extends the deadlines imposed by a previous act. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.
An Act to provide for the support and improvement of the Parish Schools. Passed 14th April 1847. 10 Victoria – Chapter 56 1847 This Act provides of the establishment of and support of parish schools, including appointing officials and hiring staff, managing their salaries, and the funds to do so. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1847. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1847.