Displaying 661 - 680 of 1121 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An act to continue the laws now in force for granting an additional duty on shop licenses. (Passed 27th November, 1818.) 58 George III – Chapter 6 (Session 3) 1818 A continuation of an act regulating the granting of liquor licenses for a further five years. Early Canadiana Online
An Act Granting to His Majesty a Duty on Licences to Auctioneers, and on Goods, Wares and Merchandise sold by Auction. Passed 1st April, 1818. 58 George III – Chapter 6 (Session 2) 1818 Specifies the need for auctioneers to hold a license in order to practice, which shall be renewed annually. This act specifies the cost of said license, what information they are to contain, and who is able to grant such license. It also places a levy on all goods sold at auction. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to enable the Lieutenant-Governor or Commander in Chief of this Province, for the time being, to suspend upon the contingency, and in the manner therein mentioned, the further operation of the Act, “for the encouragement of the Trade of this Province, in Plaster of Paris, otherwise called Gypsum.” Passed the 11th March 1818. 58 George III Chapter 6 1818 This act suspends an act to encouraging the gypsum due a similar act ebing suspended in Nova Scotia. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1818. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1818.
An Act to continue, repeal part of, and amend an Act passed in the Fifty-sixth Year of His Majesty's Reign, entitled, “An Act for granting to His Majesty Duties on Licences to Hawkers, Pedlars and Petty Chapman, and other Trading Persons therein mentioned," and to extend the provisions of the same. Passed 1st April, 1818. 58 George III – Chapter 5 (Session 2) 1818 An amendment to an act first passed in 1816, making it illegal for wandering traders and pedlars to operate without a license, and specifies the penalties faced by those who should practice such trade without being first licensed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue and amend the several Acts of the General Assembly, for granting to His Majesty certain duties on Wine, Brandy, Gin, Rum, and other distilled Spirituous Liquors, Molasses, Coffee and Brown Sugar, for the support of His Majesty’s Government, and for promoting the Agriculture, Commerce and Fisheries of this Province. 58 George III – Chapter 5 1818 This Act continues two acts relating to trade duties on certain articles, which are to remain in force until 18 March 1819, and amends that drawbacks are not to be given on articles exported to other provinces. Early Canadiana Online
An act to empower the commissioners of the peace for the Eastern district, in their court of general quarter sessions assembled, to establish and regulate the time for holding a market in the town of Cornwall, in the said district. (Passed 27th November, 1818.) 58 George III – Chapter 4 (Session 3) 1818 This act empowers the local government of Cornwall to establish a town market, and specifies how the taxes and fees from the said market are to be distributed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to ratify and confirm the Provisional Articles of Agreement entered into by the respective Commissioners of this Province and of Upper-Canada, at Montreal on the thirty-first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, Relative to Duties, and for carrying the same into effect. (1st April, 1818.) 58 George III Chapter 4 1818 An act to confirm and ratify the agreements between commissioners appointed on behalf of the Lower Canada and Upper Canada. The act outlines these articles pertaining to duties on trade between the provinces. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend and continue the several Acts, imposing a Duty on Articles to be imported from the United States of America, and for appropriating the same. 58 George III – Chapter 4 1818 This Act continues a former Act imposing duties on goods imported from the United States, as well as an act that continued it, and introduces several duties on livestock imported from the States. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend Act passed in the forty sixth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to repeal an Ordinance made and passed in the twenty fifth year if His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, ‘An Ordinance to prevent the exportation of unmerchantable Flour, and the faltering of Bread and Flour casks, to regulate the packing and inspection of Flour and Indian Meal, and to provide for ascertaining the quantity of Biscuit in future.’” (1st April, 1818.) 58 George III Chapter 3 1818 An Act to amend an Act passed in 1806. Under this Act, the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or person Administering the Government is to appoint inspectors of Flour and Meal at Trois-Rivières, Montreal, Quebec, and Borough of William Henry [Sorel-Tracy]. Dimensions allowable for barrels of flour or meal, brands or marks upon those barrels, and regulations for the trade of flour are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act for granting a Drawback of the Duties on Brown or Raw Sugar used in the manufacture of refined Sugar within the Province, and for regulating the mode of obtaining the same. 58 George III – Chapter 3 1818 This Act continues an Act allowing a drawback on duties on sugar to be manufactured within the province, which act is to remain in force until 18 March 1819. Early Canadiana Online
An act to alter the laws now in force for granting licenses to innkeepers, and to give to the justices of the peace, in general quarter sessions assembled, for their respective districts, authority to regulate the duties hereafter to be paid on such licenses. (Passed 27th November, 1818.) 58 George III – Chapter 2 (Session 3) 1818 An amendment to the laws governing how licenses are granted to innkeepers, particularly in regards to serving alcohol in their establishments. The amendment allows innkeepers and public-house keepers to apply for liquor licenses at any time during the year, and places the regulation of these licenses with the Justices of the Peace. Early Canadiana Online
An act to regulate the trade by land and inland navigation, between this province and the United States of America. 58 George III – Chapter 1 (Session 3) 1818 Act was repealed and unpublished in this version of the published acts. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to impose a Duty upon Persons selling Wine, Brandy and other Spirituous Liquors, by Wholesale. Passed 1st April, 1818. 58 George III – Chapter 1 (Session 2) 1818 This act imposes licenses upon those who sell spirits, specifying the costs and duration of said licenses, as well as the penalties for those who sell liquor without a license. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue and amend the several Acts of the General Assembly, for the further increase of the Revenue, by raising a duty of Excise on all Goods, Wares and Merchandise, imported into this Province. 58 George III – Chapter 1 1818 This Act continues two acts relating to the collection of excise duties which are to remain in force until 18 March 1819, as well as an act to prevent fraud in the collection of the duties. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time, an Act passed in the fifty-fifth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to grant new duties to His Majesty, to supply the wants of the Province.” (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 24 1817 An act to continue, for a limited time, an act originally passed in 1815. The original act imposed new duties on items including varies teas, wines, molasses, and syrups. The rates of these duties were also set. The act also specified the processes by which licenses for auctioning the goods subject to these duties are to be obtained, including the oath or affirmation auctioneers must swear to when rendering their accounts to the Receiver General. This act is to expire in 1819. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for granting a Drawback of the Duties on Brown or Raw Sugar used in the Manufacture of Refined Sugars, within the Province, and for regulating the mode of obtaining the same. 57 George III – Chapter 23 1817 This act outlines how a drawback on duties on sugars are to be implemented, as well as how the manufacture of refined sugar, molasses, and syrup is to be regulated within the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue for a limited time, two Acts therein mentioned, for the regulation of the Lumber Trade. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 23 1817 An act to continue an act originally passed in 1808, and extended in 1811, 1813, and 1815 by the same name. The original act placed regulations on the export of certain types of lumber and made it lawful for the governor to appoint Master Cullers and Measurers of boards and planks, staves, timber, and masts and spars at the ports of Montreal and Quebec. Expectations and duties for these positions and standards for lumber being exported were outlined. The act is to expire in 1819. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to prohibit the exportation of Corn and Potatoes, out of this Province. 57 George III – Chapter 22 1817 This act prohibits the export of corn and potatoes and describes penalties who defy the terms of this act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to regulate the exportation of dutiable articles from and out of this Province. Passed the 22nd of March, 1817. 57 George III Chapter 8 1817 This act imposes new duties on exported items to raise provincial revenues. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1817. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1817.
An Act to continue the several Acts of the General Assembly, for the further increase of the Revenue, by raising a Duty of Excise on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, imported into this Province. 57 George III – Chapter 6 1817 This Act continues a former act for collecting duties on goods which act is to remain in force until 18 March 1818. Early Canadiana Online