Displaying 601 - 620 of 1121 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act for appointing Commissioners to treat with Commissioners appointed or to be appointed on the part of the Province of Upper-Canada, for the purposes therein-mentioned. (17th March, 1821.) 1 George IV Chapter 9 1821 This Act appoints Hon. Louis Joseph Papineau, and Austin Cuvillier, John Davidson, John Neilson and George Garden, Esquires as commissioners to represent Lower Canada and who are empowered to meet, treat, and consult with commissioners from Upper-Canada regarding trade regulations and duties between the provinces. This Act is to expire in 1823. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend and continue the several Acts imposing a Duty on Articles to be imposed from the United States of America. 1 & 2 George IV – Chapter 35 1821 This act was not published. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to impose an additional Duty on Wine, hereafter to be imported into this Province, and to appropriate the same for the payment of the interest of the Funded Debt of the Province. 1 & 2 George IV – Chapter 33 1821 This act was not published. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to regulate Sales at Auction. 1 & 2 George IV – Chapter 31 1821 This act was not published. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue the Act for regulating the exportation of Red or Smoaked Herrings, and in amendment of an Act, passed in the second year of His present Majesty’s reign, entitled, “An Act for regulating the Exportation of Fish, and the Assize of Barrels, Hoops, Boards, and all other kinds of Lumber, and for appointing Officers to survey the same;” and also the several Acts in amendment thereof. 1 & 2 George IV – Chapter 23 1821 This act was not published. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act, made and passed in the thirty-eighth year of His late Majesty’s reign, entitled, “An act to amend and render more effectual an Act, passed in the eighteenth year of His present Majesty’s reign, entitled, ‘An Act to prevent forestalling, regrating, and monopolizing, of Cord Wood, in the Town of Halifax,’ and also the Act now in force in addition thereto.” 1 & 2 George IV – Chapter 22 1821 This act was not published. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to continue an Act, entitled, “An Act in addition to an Act, passed in the thirty-third year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Second, entitled, ‘An Act for regulating the rates and prices of Carriages.’” 1 & 2 George IV – Chapter 20 1821 This act was not published. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to make perpetual an Act for the Security of Navigation, and for preserving all Ships, Vessels and Goods, which may be found on Shore, wrecked or stranded, upon the Coasts of this Province; and for punishing Persons who shall steal Shipwrecked Goods, and for the relief of Persons suffering loss thereby. 1 & 2 George IV – Chapter 19 1821 This Act makes perpetual an act first passed in 1801 relating to insuring ships and for punishing persons found to steal shipwrecked goods. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act for granting a Drawback of the Duties on Brown or Raw Sugar, used in the Manufacture of Refined Sugar within the Province, and for regulating the mode of obtaining the same. 1 & 2 George IV – Chapter 16 1821 This act was not published. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to continue the several Acts of the General Assembly for the further increase of the Revenue, by raising a Duty of Excise on all Goods, Wares and Merchandise, imported into this Province. 1 & 2 George IV – Chapter 12 1821 This act was not published. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to continue an Act for raising an additional duty of Excise on all Goods, Wares and Merchandise, imported into this Province. 1 & 2 George IV – Chapter 11 1821 This act was not published. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to continue an Act, entitled, “An Act in addition to an Act, passed in the thirty-third year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Second, entitled, ‘An Act for regulating the rates and prices of Carriages.’” 60 George III – Chapter 24 1820 A continuation of an amended 1759 act passed in 1809, which restricts the price that can be demanded by owners of trucks, carts, and other carriages and provides for a table of allowable rates to be drawn up. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in addition to and amendment of an Act, intituled “An Act for regulating the inspection of Fish for home consumption.” Passed the 29th of March 1820. 60 George III Chapter 23 1820 This act stregthens the penalties levied against fish inspectors who neglect their duties. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1820. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1820.
An Act in addition to an Act, intituled an Act for the further increase of the Revenue of the Province. Passed the 29th of March 1820. 60 George III Chapter 20 1820 This act adds to the legislation establishing a duty on gypsum imported into Charlotte County, increasing the duties and adding additional regualtions to the trade Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1820. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1820.
An Act for the further increase of the Revenue of the Province. Passed the 25th of March 1820. 60 George III Chapter 19 1820 So as to raise more provincial revenue, this act establishes a duty on the importing of gypsum into Charlotte County, lays out the duties of those charged with collecting it, and establishes penalties for violations of it. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1820. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1820.
An Act to appropriate a further part of the Public Revenue, for the services therein mentioned. Passed the 25th of March 1820. 60 George III Chapter 18 1820 This act awards sums of money to various persons for their services to the government and to fund local infrastructure projects. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1820. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1820.
An Act for raising an additional Duty of Excise upon all Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, imported into this Province. 60 George III – Chapter 17 1820 This act imposes duties on several goods and continues a former act relating to the same. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act, entitled, An Act to revive and continue an Act, made and passed in the thirty-eighth year of His present Majesty’s reign, entitled, “An Act to amend and render more effectual, an Act, passed in the eighteenth year of His present Majesty’s reign, entitled, ‘An Act to prevent forestalling, regrating, and monopolising of Cord Wood, in the Town of Halifax.’” 60 George III – Chapter 10 1820 This Act revives a former Act relating to trade in cord wood in Halifax for an additional year. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue the Act for regulating the exportation of Red or Smoaked Herrings; and in amendment of an Act passed in the second year of His present Majesty’s reign, entitled, An Act for regulating the exportation of Fish, and the assize of Barrels, Hoops, Boards, and all other kinds of Lumber, and for appointing Officers to survey the same; and also the several Acts in amendment thereof. 60 George III – Chapter 9 1820 This act continues two former acts relating to the exportation of fish. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act, entitled, “An Act for the security of Navigation, and for preserving all ships, vessels, and goods, which may be found on shore, wrecked or stranded upon the coasts of this Province;” and for punishing all persons who shall steal shipwrecked goods, and for the relief of persons suffering loss thereby. 60 George III – Chapter 8 1820 This Act continues a former act relating to insuring ships and for punishing persons found to steal shipwrecked goods. Early Canadiana Online