Displaying 541 - 560 of 618 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act for the Public registering of Deeds, Conveyances, Wills and other Incumbrances which Shall be made, or may affect any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments within this Province. 35 George III Chapter 5 1795 This act further regulates the registration of deeds, conveyances, and wills that allow for the sale and transfer of land. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, in North America; Comprising all the Acts of the Honourable the Lesgislature of the Province Aforesaid. Niagara: Gordon Tiffany, 1795.
An Act to continue several Acts that are near expiring. 35 George III Chapter 5 1795 This act renews several acts, near expiration, until 1798. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1795. Fredericton: Christopher Sower, 1795.
An Act to amend certain parts of an Act passed in the thirty-third year of the Reign of his Majesty, entitled, “An act to authorize and direct the laying and collecting of Assessments and Rates, in every District within this Province, and to provide for the Payment of Wages to the Members of the House of Assembly.” 34 George III Chapter 6 1794 This act creates two further classes of householders whose property is subject to various rates of taxation. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, in North America; Comprising all the Acts of the Honourable the Lesgislature of the Province Aforesaid. Niagara: Gordon Tiffany, 1795.
An Act to enable the Sheriffs of the Several Counties in this Province, to administer the Oath or Oaths, or if to a Quaker, Affirmation, by Law required to be administered to such Person or Persons, as the said Sheriffs may respectively have occasion to employ as Appraiser or Appraisers of Goods, Chattels, Lands, or other real Estates by them attached on mesne process, or taken in Execution. 33 George III – Chapter 10 1793 This act allows sheriffs to administer oaths to appraisers of goods of various types. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to enable the Inhabitants of the Town of Annapolis, and the Officers of His Majesty’s Garrison, stationed for the time being in the said Town of Annapolis, annually to nominate and appoint Supervisors, to take charge of the Common appertaining to the said Town, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 33 George III – Chapter 9 1793 This act makes provisions for the maintenance of common diked marshland outside of Annapolis. The act gives the responsibility and authority to supervisors to maintain the common marshland, and specifies the punishments for disobeying the instructions of the supervisors. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to enable the Deputy Surveyors of this Province, to administer an Oath, or Affirmation if Quakers, to such Persons as may be employed under them, as Chain Bearers in measuring Lands. 33 George III – Chapter 8 1793 This act modifies the manner in which the oath to be taken by surveyors or "chain men" employed by surveyors so they do not have to travel such long distances to swear an oath before a justice of the peace. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in Amendment of an Act intituled “An Act for more effectually securing the Title of purchasers of Real Estate against Claims of Dower.” 33 George III Chapter 5 1793 This act amends a 1787 act so that any widow who accepts a deed worth over 200 pounds upon the death of her husband shall not be allowed to reclaim her dowery. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1793. Fredericton: J. Ryan, 1793.
An Act to continue an act intituled “An Act to prevent Frauds in the Sale of Damaged Goods imported into this Province.” 32 George III Chapter 7 1792 This act continues a 1786 act until 1795. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1792. Fredericton: J. Ryan, 1792.
An Act in amendment of an act intituled “An Act for more effectively securing the Title of Purchasers of Real Estates against Claims of Dower.” And also to enable Femes Covert more easily to convey any Real Estate they may hold in their own Right. 32 George III Chapter 2 1792 This act amends a 1787 act stipulates how a widow living out of province may more eaily claim a New Brunswick based dower following her husband's death. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1792. Fredericton: J. Ryan, 1792.
An Act in Amendment of an Act, passed in the Thirty Second Year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intitled, “An Act, for confirming Titles to Lands, and quieting Possessions.” 31 George III Chapter 10 1791 This Act amends the 1758 Act, "An Act, for confirming Titles to Lands, and quieting Possessions," relating to the manner in which townships and large tracts of land are granted. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for fixing Permanently the Boundary Lines between the different Grants in this Province. 31 George III Chapter 8 1791 This act creates a legal structure for freeholders to clarify their property boundaries if they are in confusion or dispute Acts of the General Assembly of his Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1791. Saint John, NB: J. Ryan, 1791.
An Act, to prevent the Growth and increase of Thistles on the Lands in this Province. 31 George III Chapter 6 1791 This Act requires inhabitants to cut down thistles on their lands and makes provision for the appointment of inspectors to to enforce the terms of this Act. Penalties for persons who offend against this Act's terms are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act, in Addition to, and Amendment of an Act, made in the Thirteenth Year of His present Majesty’s Reign, intitled, “An Act for rating and levying the Expences attending the executing Writs of Partition.” 31 George III Chapter 1 1791 This Act amends the 1773 Act, "An Act for the rating and levying the Expences attending the executing Writs of Partition," relating to the sale of lands when the proprietor fails to pay their share of the expences outlined under the former Act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in Amendment of Act relating to Wills, Legacies and Executors, and for the Settlement and Distribution of Estates of Intestates, and to enable Executors and Administrators the more speedily to settle the Estate of the Deceased. 30 George III Chapter 5 1790 This Act limits the period in which persons can make claims on the estate of the deceased for debts owing to two and a half years. The processes by which these claims are to be made and the executor's duties are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise certain Commissioners to dispose of the Building wherein the General Assembly now fits; and also to adjust the Debt due from the Province to the Public School at Halifax. 30 George III Chapter 4 1790 This Act makes provision for a former assembly house to be sold and the funds from the sale to be used to pay part of a debt owing to the public school at Halifax. Early Canadiana Online
An Act, in Amendment of the several Acts passed in the Thirty-second and Thirty-fourth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Second, and in the First, Fifth and Twelfth Years of the Reign of His present Majesty; relative to the registering of Deeds and Conveyances made of, or which may affect Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments. 29 George III – Chapter 9 1789 An amendment to various acts and their amendments relating to the prevention of frauds in land purchases and title transfers. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in further Addition to an Act made in the 32d Year of the Reign of King George the Second entitled, “An Act for preventing Trespasses.” 29 George III – Chapter 8 1789 An amendment to an act first passed in 1758 which set standards for fences and sets procedures for how and in what cases damages done by horses or livestock should be compensated. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for reviving and continuing and amending sundry Laws that have expired and are near expiring. 29 George III Chapter 8 1789 This act renews several acts passed in 1786 and 1787 Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1789. Saint John, NB: J. Ryan, 1789.
An Act to enable the Inhabitants of the Town Plot of Dartmouth to use and occupy the Common Field, granted them by His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, in such way as they may think most beneficial to them. 29 George III – Chapter 6 1789 This act grants common use of a field adjacent to the town plot of Dartmouth. The act specifies how the common space can be used, and how it is to be administered. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to raise a Sum of Money to repair the Public Road leading from Halifax to Windsor, and to cause the Proprietors of Lands on each Side said Road to settle the same more expeditiously. 28 George III Chapter 13 1787 This Act enacts that persons owning property between Sackville Bridge and Three Mile Plain on the Windsor road must pay a tax each year if they suffer the land to remain unsettled. The processes by which this tax is to be applied and collected are outlined. This Act is to remain in force until 1790. Early Canadiana Online