Displaying 561 - 580 of 1454 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to exempt the District of Hastings from the operation of a Bill passed during the present Session, to regulate the future erection of Gaols in this Province. Passed 6th March, 1838. 1 Victoria – Chapter 40 1838 This act exempts the construction of the Hastings district jail from a bill passed in the same session which regulates the building and maintenance of jail houses. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the levying an additional tax on the inhabitants of the County of Simcoe, for the purposes therein-mentioned. Passed 6th March, 1838. 1 Victoria – Chapter 39 1838 This act authorises the magistrates of Simcoe to raise a tax in order to build a courthouse and jail. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the erection of a Gaol and Court-house at Brockville, in the District of Johnstown. Passed 6th March, 1838. 1 Victoria – Chapter 38 1838 This act authorises the magistrates of Brockville to hire assessors to determine the best placement and get quotes for the building of a jail and court house. It also authorises them to raise a levy to cover the costs of the project. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the erection of a new Gaol at the Town of London, in the District of London. Passed 6th March, 1838. 1 Victoria – Chapter 37 1838 This act authorises the raising of a levy in order to build a new jail in London, in order to replace the old jail. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the settlement of the Estate of the late Receiver General of this Province. Passed 9th March 1838. 1 Victoria Chapter 36 1838 This act allows for the cessation of proceeding against the administrators of the estate of the late George Pidgeon Bliss, former Reciever General, upon the payment of what his estate owes to the province. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1838. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1838.
An Act to authorise the Justices of the Peace of the District of Talbot to levy an additional Assessment, to liquidate the costs of the erection of the Gaol and Court House for that District, and other purposes therein-mentioned. Passed 6th March, 1838. 1 Victoria – Chapter 36 1838 This act authorises the Talbot district justices of the peace to raise a tax in order to liquidate a loan made to the district to pay for the building of a court house and jail. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend the Law relating to the inspection of public Accounts by Grand Juries, so far as relates to the County of Charlotte. Passed 9th March 1838. 1 Victoria Chapter 28 1838 This act changes the times when Charlotte County officials may lay the county's accounts before the Grand Jury for inspection. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1838. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1838.
An Act to repeal part of an Act passed in the seventh year of His late Majesty’s reign, entitled, “An Act to protect the Public against injury from Private Banks, and for other purposes therein mentioned.” Passed 6th March, 1838. 1 Victoria – Chapter 23 1838 This act deals with the procedure to follow in the specific case of fraudulent bank notes created by two individuals under the name of the Agricultural Bank. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to authorize the payment of certain Moneys due by the Commissioners for the erection of a Common Gaol in the District of Montreal. 1 Victoria Chapter 21 (Session 1) 1838 This Ordinance provides certain sums to be paid to individuals and companies, as listed, to cover the expenses incurred in fulfilling the 1830 Act, “An Act to provide for the erection of a Common Gaol in the District of Montreal." Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the extension of the Gaol Limits in the Parish of Fredericton. Passed 9th March 1838. 1 Victoria Chapter 21 1838 This act allows for York County officials to expand the Parish of Fredericton gaol. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1838. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1838.
An Ordinance to provide for the more speedy attainder of persons indicted for High Treason, who have fled from the Province, or remain concealed therein, to escape from Justice. 1 Victoria Chapter 19 (Session 1) 1838 This Ordinance makes it lawful for the Governor or person administering the government to issue a proclamation in the Quebec Gazette in the case that persons indicted with High Treason, Misprision of High Treason, or Treasonable Practices are not found in their District, requiring them to surrender themselves to the Sheriff of their District. Exceptions and processes by which this is to be enforced are described. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the Justices of the Peace in and for the City and County of Saint John to establish a House of Correction for the said City and County, and to extend the provisions of two Acts of Assembly to the same. Passed 9th March 1838. 1 Victoria Chapter 16 1838 This act allows for officials in the City and County of Saint John to raise funds to erect a city gaol. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1838. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1838.
An Ordinance to enable the Governor, or person Administering the Government of this Province, to extend a conditional pardon, in certain cases, to persons who have been concerned in the late Insurrection. 1 Victoria Chapter 15 (Session 1) 1838 Under this Ordinance, it is made lawful for the Governor or person administering the government to pardon persons charged with High Treason before their arraignment under such terms as deemed proper, within the limits described. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend so much of an Act passed in the seventh year of His late Majesty's reign, entitled, “An Act to encrease, the present number of the Judges of His Majesty's Court of King’s Bench in this Province, to alter the Terms for the sitting of the said Court, and for other purposes therein-mentioned,” as relates to Hilary Term. Passed 6th March, 1838. 1 Victoria – Chapter 15 1838 This act repeals an act passed in 1837 and amends the times at which certain courts will be held. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act, entitled, “An Act to establish a Court of Chancery in this Province.” Passed 6th March, 1838. 1 Victoria – Chapter 14 1838 This is an amendment to an act passed in 1837 which established the court of chancery. It concerns the court fees, which have been deemed too high, and orders the relevant officials to amend the fees. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter the times of holding the Circuit Courts in the County of Gloucester and Queen’s County. Passed 9th March 1838. 1 Victoria Chapter 14 1838 This act changes the times when the Circuit Courts of Gloucester and Queens Counites are in session. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1838. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1838.
An Ordinance to continue for a limited time, certain Acts of the Legislature of this Province, relative to the District of Saint Francis. 1 Victoria Chapter 13 (Session 1) 1838 This Act continues several Acts pertaining to the justice system in the Inferior District of Saint-François, as listed, which are to remain in force until 1842. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the further amendment of the Law. Passed 9th March 1838. 1 Victoria Chapter 13 1838 This act creates new regulations for court cases. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1838. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1838.
An Act for indemnifying persons who since the Second of December, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, have acted in Apprehending, Imprisoning, or Detaining in Custody, persons suspected of High Treason, or Treasonable Practices, and in the Suppression of Unlawful Assemblies, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 6th March, 1838. 1 Victoria – Chapter 12 1838 This act pardons those who took actions which may not have been entirely legal, but were considered necessary at the time, in order to subdue the insurrection of December 1837. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in addition to and explanatory of an Act, intituled An Act to regulate proceedings before Justices of the Peace in Civil Suits. Passed 9th March 1838. 1 Victoria Chapter 11 1838 This act allows Jusices of the Peace to issue capias in civil suits worth 10 shillings. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1838. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1838.