Displaying 361 - 365 of 365 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act in Addition to an Act, intitled, “An Act for establishing an regulating a Militia.” 2 George III – Chapter 6 1762 This Act expands on a former Act, “An Act for establishing an regulating a Militia.” Under this Act, any person nominated and appointed to serve as a serjeant or corporal who refuses to serve is subject to a forty shillings fine. This Act also sets penalties for serjeants and corporals found drunk on duty. The Act also describes how companies are to be exercised in motions, use of arms, and shooting. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act For the making perpetual an Act made and passed in the 32d Year of His Majesty’s Reign, intitled, “An Act to prevent the Sale of Slop-Cloathing, and for punishing the Concealers and Harbourers of Seamen or Marines deserting from the Royal-Navy.” 34 George II – Chapter 1 1760 This Act makes an Act from 1758, “An Act to prevent the Sale of Slop-Cloathing, and for punishing the Concealers and Harbourers of Seamen or Marines deserting from the Royal-Navy," permanent whereas it was formerly only to remain in force until the end of the present war (the Seven Years' War). National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act for preventing Persons leaving the Province without a Pass. 32 George II – Chapter 23 1758 This Act prevents persons from leaving the Province without a pass in order to prevent debtors or seamen from being secretly conveyed away. The form of the pass is given, as well as regulations for bonds to be entered into, and penalties for those who defy this Act's terms. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act to prevent the Sale of Slop-Cloathing, and for punishing the Concealers or Harbourers of Seamen or Marines deferring from the Royal Navy. 32 George II – Chapter 12 1758 This Act makes it illegal for Seamen or Marines to sell their uniforms and defines punishments for those found to be harbouring the same. This Act is to remain in force for the term of the present war (the Seven Years War). National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act for Establishing and Regulating a Militia. 32 George II – Chapter 6 1758 This Act outlines the processes by which a militia is to be formed and function in the Province, included who is liable to serve in it, the structure of the regiments, the terms of service required, and fines for those who defy the terms of this Act. National Archive of the United Kingdom