Displaying 11 - 12 of 12 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to repeal the several acts now in force giving Bounties for Destroying Wolves. Passed 10th March, 1807. 47 George III– Chapter 2 1807 This act repeals prior legislation providing bounties for the destruction of wolves. Acts related to Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1809. York: John Cameron, 1809.
An Act for the Relief of Clerks to Attornies who may have served their Clerkships, without being bound by Contracts in Writing. Passed 10th March, 1807. 47 George III– Chapter 1 1807 This act allows attorneys to sit on courts of King's Bench without being bound by contract as long as they have works as a clerk for five years. Acts related to Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1809. York: John Cameron, 1809.