Displaying 5761 - 5770 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act for the more speedy recovery of His Majesty’s Debts within this Province. 18 George III – Chapter 3 1778 This act places stricter measures on the individuals collecting for the provincial debt in order to better monitor the revenue being applied to said debt, and the revenue being lost. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to impower the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or Commander in Chief, to appoint Sheriffs in such Counties where it may be found necessary. 18 George III – Chapter 2 1778 This act was not published. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the more speedy settling the Value of such Lands, as are, or shall be wanting to erect Fortifications or other military uses. 18 George III – Chapter 1 1778 This act allows for the more efficient determination of the worth of private land, when that land is required for the building of fortifications in order to better defend the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the more effectually securing Prisoners committed for Crimes against his Majesty and Government, and for the Tryal of such offenders. 17 George III – Chapter 13 1777 This article provides for the transfer of offenders accused of crimes considered too dangerous for county jails to Halifax, such as treason, for as long as the American revolution should continue. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for continuing the several Acts for raising a Fund for the Purpose of making and repairing Bridges and Roads of Communication thro’ the Province. 17 George III – Chapter 12 1777 A continuation of an act first passed in 1772, as well as its amendment and continuation passed in 1773, which established a tax to be levied from householders or property owners and outlines the processes by which properties are to be assessed and taxed as well as penalties for persons who refuse to pay the tax and assessors who neglect to perform their duty. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for continuing an Act made in the 15th Year of his present Majesty’s Reign, intitled an Act to impower the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Commander in Chief for the Time being, to prohibit the Exportation of Gunpowder, arms and Ammunition, or Salt-petre, or carrying the same Coastways. 17 George III – Chapter 11 1777 A continuation of an act first passed in 1775 which prohibits the transportation of gunpowder, arms, and salt petre except for the express use of the King's troops, or by special license issued by the Governor General, due to the war with the American colonies. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for continuing the several Acts relating to the Duty on Wheel Carriages within the Peninsula of Halifax. 17 George III – Chapter 10 1777 A continuation of an act first passed in 1768 which allows for the collection of a duty on wheel carriages to be used to maintain the streets and public highways on the peninsula of Halifax. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for more effectually preventing the Desertion of Seamen and Soldiers from his Majesty’s Navy and Army in this Province. 17 George III – Chapter 9 1777 This act imposes harsher penalties on inciting seamen and soldiers to desert, or hiding and harbouring seamen and soldiers once they have deserted. The harsher penalties were to remain in place until the end of the rebellion in the American colonies. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for restraining the exorbitant Price of Labour. 17 George III – Chapter 8 1777 This act allows for the standardization of wages across the province, as determined by the justices of the peace, and sets out penalties for those who would pay above the determined standard wage. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for regulating the Price of certain Provisions in the Township of Halifax. 17 George III – Chapter 7 1777 This act allows the justices of the peace to determine the price of butchers meat in Halifax. Early Canadiana Online