Displaying 551 - 560 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to provide for the holding of an additional Term of the Appeal Side of the Court of Queen’s Bench for Lower Canada, in the present year. Assented to 21st April, 1856. 20 Victoria – Chapter 1 1856 Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Provide for the Contingent Expenses of the Legislature. (Passed 12th May, 1856.) 19 Victoria Chapter 25 1856 This act grants various sums of money to provide for expenses incurred by the house of assembly. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for granting to Her Majesty a Sum of Money for defraying the Expenses of the Civil Government of this Colony for the Year ending on the 31st day of December, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Six, and for other purposes. (Passed 12th May, 1856.) 19 Victoria Chapter 24 1856 This act grants various sums of money as a salary to individuals who have served the provincial government throughout the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Provide for the Retirement of the present Sheriff of the Central District of Newfoundland. (Passed 12th May, 1856.) 19 Victoria Chapter 23 1856 This act provides an annual retirement pension of two hundred and seventy five pounds to the outgoing sheriff of the Central District of Newfoundland. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for Transferring to One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, the Powers and Estates vested in the Principal Officers of the Ordnance. (Passed 12th May, 1856.) 19 Victoria Chapter 22 1856 This act transfers certain duties from the principal officers of the Ordnance to one of the Queen's principal secretaries of state. This includes the Seals of War Department, and all lands and tenements that come vested with that office. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Amend “An Act to Incorporate Sundry Persons by the name of ‘The Newfoundland Provident Society.’” (Passed 12th May, 1856.) 19 Victoria Chapter 21 1856 This is an amendment to an act first passed in 1855 which incorporated the Newfoundland Provident Society under the persons named. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the Naturalization of Aliens. (Passed 12th May, 1856.) 19 Victoria Chapter 20 1856 This act passes measures for the naturalization of individuals who have come to Newfoundland as immigrants. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Repeal the Patent Acts of this Colony, and to make other Provisions in lieu thereof. (Passed 12th May, 1856.) 19 Victoria Chapter 19 1856 This act repeals an act first passed in 1851, which allowed anyone who is a British subject to apply for a patent in the province if they have invented something new, whether it be a product or an art, machine, manufacturing method, or composition matter. It replaces the 1851 act with new measures for those seeking to apply for a patent in Newfoundland. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Authorize the formation of Corporations for Manufacturing, Mining, Mercantile, Mechanical, Chemical, or other Purposes. (Passed 12th May, 1856.) 19 Victoria Chapter 18 1856 This act allows for the formation of private corporations which focus on various industries, including fishing, sealing, and other natural resource extractions. The act sets various rules for the governance of these future companies which do not yet exist. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the Compromises or Compositions of Partners and Joint Debtors. (Passed 12th May, 1856.) 19 Victoria Chapter 17 1856 This act establishes rules and regulations around the dissolving of temporary partnerships between businesses. Early Canadiana Online