Displaying 4771 - 4780 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to continue for a limited time, an Act passed in the Fifty-third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act further to continue for a limited time the powers granted to certain Commissioners by an Act, intituled, ‘An Act for removing the old Walls and Fortifications that surround the City of Montreal and otherwise to provide for the salubrity, convenience and embellishment of the said City,’ and also to continue for a limited time the extension of the said powers in certain cases.” (25th March, 1815.) 55 George III Chapter 16 1815 This act extends the powers of commissioners and the treasurer appointed under an act passed in 1801 and continued in 1805, 1808, and 1813 which had been set to expire. The act sets a new expiry for these positions. The original act set out provisions for removing the walls and fortifications around Montreal, and outlined how the lands then occupied by the walls and fortifications should be sold. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue, alter and amend, the several Acts of the General Assembly of this Province, now in force, relating to a Militia. 55 George III – Chapter 15 1815 A continuation of several past acts regarding the organisation and discipline of the provincial militia, with two minor amendments. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time, two Acts therein mentioned for the better regulation of Lumber Trade. (25th March, 1815.) 55 George III Chapter 15 1815 An act to continue an act originally passed in 1808, and extended in 1811 and 813 by the same name. The original act placed regulations on the export of certain types of lumber and made it lawful for the governor to appoint Master Cullers and Measurers of boards and planks, staves, timber, and masts and spars at the ports of Montreal and Quebec. Expectations and duties for these positions and standards for lumber being exported were outlined. The act is to expire in 1817. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide an Easier Method than is now used for Barring Estates Tail in Lands. 55 George III – Chapter 14 1815 This act defines how the inherited rights of tenants are to be protected and processed in courts when lands are transferred between owners. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time, an Act passed in the fifty-first year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for the relief of Insane persons and for the support of Foundlings and others therein mentioned,” and also to grant a further sum of money for the more effectual attainment of the purposes of the said Act. (25th March, 1815.) 55 George III Chapter 14 1815 An act to continue an act by the same name passed in 1811, continued in 1813, and amended in 1814. The original act was to provide support to people of 'deranged Intellect', incapable of earning their subsistence, foundlings, sick and infirm persons, as well as the support of Religious communities that administer relief. This act grants a sum not exceeding three thousand pounds, for the benefit of foundlings or the mentally infirm and dictates who will be responsible to administer this money. This act specifies the maximum funds permitted per district, including fifteen hundred pounds, for the District of Quebec, of one thousand pounds for the District of Montreal and of Five hundred pounds for the District of Trois-Rivières. The 1813 act also made it lawful for Commissioners to bind out foundlings of a proper age as apprentices. The act is to expire in 1817. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act to provide for the support of a Light House at the South End of Coffin’s Island, on the Eastern side of the entrance of Liverpool Harbour. 55 George III – Chapter 13 1815 A continuation of an act first passed in 1812 which imposes a duty on ships entering Liverpool Harbour in order to support a lighthouse on Coffin's Island. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relief of such Students in Law preparing themselves for the professions of Advocates and Attornies, or Notaries as Have served in the Embodied Militia, during the late War with the United States of America. (25th March, 1815.) 55 George III Chapter 13 1815 An Act to excuse Students in Law who served for the defence of the province during the War of 1812 after having commenced their clerkship under the terms outlined in "An Ordinance concerning Advocates, Anomies, Solicitors and Notaries, and for the more easy collection of His Majesty's Revenues," passed in 1785, from repeating their entire five-year clerkship, rather, allowing them to complete the remainder of their respective terms. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal the several Acts of the General Assembly of this Province, herein after mentioned. 55 George III – Chapter 12 1815 An act repealing several past acts pertaining to revenue collection for the purposes of defence. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time certain parts of an Act passed in the Forty-second year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to provide for the more effectual regulation of the Police within the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, and Town of Three-Rivers; also for extending regulations of Police to other Towns and Villages in certain cases, and for repealing the Acts or Ordinances therein mentioned.” (25th March, 1815.) 55 George III Chapter 12 1815 An act to extend "An Act to provide for the more effectual regulation of the Police within the Cities of Quebec and Montreal and Town of Three Rivers; also for extending Regulations of Police to other Towns and villages in certain cases; and for repealing the Acts or Ordinances therein mentioned,” passed in 1802 and continued in 1807, 1811, and 1813. The former act outlined the rules police in localities throughout the province must abide by, including that laws must be announced before they are enforced and that financial penalties cannot exceed five pounds, except in the circumstances described. The act is to expire in 1816. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend to the Town of Pictou the several Acts for appointing Firewards. 55 George III – Chapter 11 1815 An amendment of an act first passed in 1762, which makes provision for the appointment of up to ten persons to serve as firewards in Halifax. The amendment extends the provisions of the act to the town of Truro. NOTE: Although the first clause states that the original act was passed "in the thirty-second year of His Majesty's reign," please note that it was actually passed in 2 Geo III. Early Canadiana Online