Displaying 4221 - 4230 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to repeal several Acts of the General Assembly, passed to prevent forestalling, regrating and monopolizing. 4 George IV – Chapter 10 1824 A repeal of two acts, one passed in 1758 and the other in 1766, both dealing with how and where fresh produce and livestock can be sold and when.
Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make more ample provision for the regulation of Trade between this Province and the United-States of America, by land or inland navigation, and to continue for a limited time and amend two certain Acts therein-mentioned. (9th March 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 10 1824 An to further continue and amend an Act passed in 1819, “An Act to impose certain duties on divers articles therein-mentioned, and to regulate, for a limited time, the trade with the United-States of America, by land or by inland navigation, and to suspend certain Acts or Ordinances therein-mentioned,” that was amended and continued in 1822. This Act is to expire in 1826. Certain penalties for those who attempt to defraud the government by evading customs fees are described. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Repeal part of and Amend an Act passed in the fiftieth year of His Late Majesty’s Reign, entituled, “An Act to Provide for the Laying Out, Amending, and Keeping in Repair, the Public Highways and Roads in this Province, and to Repeal the Laws now in force for that purpose;” and also to Repeal part of and Amend the Provisions of an Act passed in the fifty-ninth year of His Late Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act to Repeal part of, and Amend the Laws now in force for Laying Out, Amending, and Keeping in Repair the Public Highways and Roads, in this Province.” Passed Jan. 19th, 1824. 4 George IV – Chapter 10 1824 An amendment to an act passed in 1810 regarding rules and regulations concerning the laying out and maintenance of public roads. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act for establishing a Bridewell, or House of Correction, for the County of Halifax, and for providing a Police Office in said Town, with proper Officers to attend the same. 4 George IV – Chapter 9 1824 A continuation of an act first passed in 1815, which established a bridewell in Halifax, a type of jail for offenders who commit petty crimes. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act passed in the third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act further to regulate persons who keep Houses of Public Entertainment, and retail Spirituous Liquors, and for other purposes.” (9th March, 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 9 1824 An Act to amend an Act from 1823, "An Act further to regulate Persons who keep Houses of Public Entertainment, and retail Spirituous Liquors, and for other purposes." Under this Act the meetings required by the second clause of the former Act may be held on any day between the twentieth day of February and the tenth day of April in each and every year. This Act also states how these meetings are to be fixed. This Act is to expire in 1826. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Amend, and make perpetual an Act passed in the fifty ninth year of His Late Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act to Repeal part of, and Amend the Laws now in force for Laying Out Amending, and Keeping in Repair the Public Highways and Roads in this Province;” and also to Amend an Act passed in the fiftieth year of His Late Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act to Provide for the Laying Out, Amending, and Keeping in Repair, the Public Highways and Roads in this Province and to Repeal the Laws now in force for that purpose. Passed Jan. 19th, 1824. 4 George IV – Chapter 9 1824 This act makes perpetual an act passed in 1819 regarding the repair and maintenance of public roads in the province, with the addendum of several clauses. The fee required to be paid by those who wish to pay a fine rather than work the required statute labour is specified, as well as the penalties for failure to pay these duties, and the duties of the Surveyor of Streets is detailled as well as their appointment. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter, amend and continue, an Act for consolidating, and reducing into one Act, all the Acts, heretofore made, relating to Trespasses. 4 George IV – Chapter 8 1824 A continuation and amendment of an act passed in 1822, which consolidated various past acts and amendments dealing with the maintenance of fences and hedges to prevent the trespass of livestock on neighbours' pasture and fields, and the penalties for not so doing. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to explain an Act passed in the second year of His Majesty’s Reign, Chapter Fourth, relating to the Returning Officers’ duty and to the Elections of Members to serve in the House of Assembly of this Province. (9th March, 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 8 1824 An Act to amend and explain an Act from 1822, “An Act to amend certain parts of an Act passed in the forty-seventh year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled, ‘An Act to provide Returning Officers for the Elections of Knights, Citizens and Burgesses to serve in the House of Assembly, and to regulate Elections to be held for that purpose, and more effectually to prevent illegal practices in the Elections of Members to serve in the said Assembly, and for further securing the freedom of such Elections.” Under this Act entries to be made in the Poll Book by the Returning Officer, at every election of any Member or Members to serve in the House of Assembly for this Province, as specified in the first clause or section of the former Act are to be made in accordance with certain instructions described in this Act. The form of the poll book is included at the end of the Act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make Permanent and Extend the Provisions of the laws now in force for the Establishment and Regulation of Common Schools throughout this Province, and for granting to His Majesty a Further Sum of Money to Promote and Encourage Education within the same. Passed Jan. 19th, 1824. 4 George IV – Chapter 8 1824 This act allocates funds for the buying of religious tracts and the establishment of religious schools in remote communities and indigenous peoples in the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to restrain the issuing Writs of Attachment in certain Cases. 4 George IV – Chapter 7 1824 This act restrains what can and cannot be taken by the sheriff or his deputies when writs are issued against individuals. Early Canadiana Online