Displaying 4151 - 4160 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to grant a certain sum of money therein-mentioned, towards aiding the Society of Education of Quebec. (9th March, 1824.)
4 George IV Chapter 34 1824 An Act to apply a sum not exceeding two hundred pounds to the Society of Education for the District of Quebec to support the school established by them. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to enable the Presbyterian Congregation of York to purchase one or more Parcels of Ground sufficient for the Erection of a Church and Burying-ground. Passed Jan. 19th, 1824. 4 George IV – Chapter 34 1824 This act allows the Presbyterian Congregation of York to purchase and own up to three acres in order to build a church and a graveyard. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue the several Acts of the General Assembly for raising a Revenue to repair the Roads throughout the Province, by laying a Duty on Persons hereafter to be Licensed to keep Public Houses and Shops for the retail of Spirituous Liquors. 4 George IV – Chapter 33 1824 A continuation of several past acts which impose taxes on public houses in order to pay for road repair across the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the more speedy remedy of divers abuses, prejudicial to Agricultural Improvement and Industry in this Province, and for other purposes. (9th March, 1824.)
4 George IV Chapter 33 1824 An Act to increase the penalties against those who commit trespasses, wrongs, and abuses prejudicial to Agricultural Improvement, including carrying away, breaking down or injuring fences on land not belonging to them, and cutting down or otherwise destroying any trees, bushes or shrubs, without the leave of the land's proprietor. Fines and exceptions to this Act are outlined. The Act also describes how violent or misbehaving animals like dogs, horses, rams, or cattle, are to be handled, and penalties if owners do not follow the terms of this Act and sets several regulations of the treatment of servants and apprentices. Other restrictions on land maintenance including drains, weeds, and fences are outlined, including how these terms should be enforced. The terms of several former Acts are extended. This Act is to expire in 1826. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Alter, Amend, and Repeal part of an Act passed in the fourth year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act to Provide for the Erection of a Gaol and, Courthouse in and for the Home District.” Passed Jan. 19th, 1824. 4 George IV – Chapter 33 1824 This act revises an act from a prior year which sees to erect a jail in the Home district, as the timeline set forth by the prior act has been found unpractical. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter and continue an Act, entitled, “An Act imposing a Duty on Goods, Wares and Merchandize, imported from the United States of America, and for appropriating the same.” 4 George IV – Chapter 32 1824 A continuation and amendment of an act passed in 1823, which specifies the duties to be charged on all goods imported from the United States. The amendment pertains to a change of duties to be charged on the items listed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money therein-mentioned, towards the support of the Emigrant Hospital, established in Quebec. (9th March, 1824.)
4 George IV Chapter 32 1824 An Act to provide a sum not exceeding six hundred pounds to the Hospital established for the relief of Indigent Sick Emigrants from the United-Kingdom in Quebec City. Under this Act, the hospital is to be open to Indigent Sick of any denomination labouring under contagious diseases in addition to emigrants. The hospital is to be under the superintendence and direction of six senior Justices of the Peace and six of the eldest Physicians and Surgeons, as described. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Authorise the Justices of the Peace of the Midland District to Loan a further Sum of Money for the purposes therein mentioned. Passed Jan. 19th, 1824. 4 George IV – Chapter 32 1824 This act authorises the loan of one thousand pounds to the local authorities of the Midland district. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter and continue the several Acts for raising an Additional Duty of Excise on all Goods, Wares and Merchandise, imported into this Province. 4 George IV – Chapter 31 1824 This act continues several past acts which impose duties on goods imported into the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to facilitate the establishment and the endowment of Elementary Schools in the Parishes of this Province. (9th March, 1824.)
4 George IV Chapter 31 1824 An Act to authorise every Fabrique within the Province to receive the lands, chattels, monies, or other properties that are conceded, sold, given, devised or bequeathed, as are needed to establish and support elementary schools within each of the Province's parishes. The processes by which these schools are to be established, run, and their limits, including how many students are required to build multiple schools, are set out. Early Canadiana Online