Displaying 4001 - 4010 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to authorise the Incorporation of a Company for working certain Mines of Iron in the County of Annapolis. 7 George IV – Chapter 9 1826 This act grants the right to mine iron and iron ore to the Annapolis Iron Mining Company. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the improvement of the Light Some on Gibraltar Point, and for imposing duties for defraying the charge of the same and for erecting other Houses in this Province. (Passed 20th January, 1826.) 7 George IV Chapter 9 1826 This act establishes a fund for the improvement of the lighthouse on Gibraltar point by tolling the vessels who make use of the port of York. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the further increase of the Revenue, by imposing a Duty upon Articles imported from Foreign Countries. 7 George IV – Chapter 8 1826 This act imposes a duty on cattle and livestock imported into the province from everywhere excluding the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make further and more effectual provision for the Prevention of Accidents by Fire in the several Police Towns of this Province. (Passed 30th January, 1826.) 7 George IV Chapter 8 1826 This act makes provisions for the establishment of firemen in towns which have a police force. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the further increase of the Revenue of the Province, by continuing and amending an Act of the General Assembly for raising a Duty of Excise. 7 George IV – Chapter 7 1826 This act continues several past acts which impose duties on goods imported into the province, with some amendments to the amount of duty is charged for which items. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Continue and Amend an Act passed in the Second Year of the Reign of George the Fourth, intituled, “An Act for assigning Limits to the respective Gaols within this Province.” (Passed 30th January, 1826.) 7 George IV Chapter 7 1826 This act is a continuation of an act first passed in 1822, which allows for up to six acres of land to be made available to each jail in the province for the purpose of providing fresh air and exercise for confined debtors. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to facilitate the Establishment of Banks for Savings. 7 George IV – Chapter 6 1826 This act permits the creation of private banks within the province. The act stipulates general rules and regulations to be followed by any bank that should establish itself within Nova Scotia. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Repeal Part of, Amend and Continue the Laws now in Force, for the Payment of Militia Pensions. (Passed 30th January, 1826.) 7 George IV Chapter 6 1826 This act continue and amends an act passed in 1816, which widens the definition of who is permitted to claim a militia pension. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the support of His Majesty’s Government in this Province, and for promoting its Agriculture, Commerce and Fisheries, by continuing and amending an Act of the General Assembly, for granting Duties of Impost on Wine, Brandy, Gin, Rum, and other Distilled Spirituous Liquors, Molasses, Coffee and Brown Sugar. 7 George IV – Chapter 5 1826 An amendment to a past act regarding the imposition of duties on certain goods, which changes the amount of duties charged on the goods specified. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Encourage the Progress of Useful Arts within this Province. (Passed 30th January, 1826.) 7 George IV Chapter 5 1826 This act lays out rules and regulations regarding the issuing of patents for inventions. It details how inventors are to apply for patents, and how disputes between potential patent holders are to be resolved. Early Canadiana Online