Displaying 3881 - 3890 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to continue the Act to provide for the accommodation and billeting of His Majesty’s Troops, or of the Militia, when on their march from one part of the Province to another: and also, the Acts in amendment thereof. 8 George IV – Chapter 22 1827 This Act continues an act making provision for militiamen to be billeted when marching from one part of the province to another for one year. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the Revered John M’Laurin to convey to the Ottawa District School of Trustees a Lot of Land, for the purposes therein mentioned. Passed 17th Feb’y. 1827. 8 George IV – Chapter 22 1827 This act conveys a parcel of land in Longueil for the purpose of building a school. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue the Acts now in force relating to Trespasses. 8 George IV – Chapter 21 1827 A continuation of an act passed in 1822, which consolidated various past acts and amendments dealing with the maintenance of fences and hedges to prevent the trespass of livestock on neighbours' pasture and fields, and the penalties for not so doing. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize James Atkinson to convey to Trustees a Lot of Land, for purposes therein mentioned. Passed 17th Feb’y. 1827. 8 George IV – Chapter 21 1827 This act allows the transfer of lands to trustees in Kingston for the purposes of building a school. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in addition to the Act, passed in the Second year of his late Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act for regulating the Exportation of Fish, and the assize of Barrels, Staves, Hoops, Boards, and all other kinds of Lumber;” and for appointing Officers to survey the same. 8 George IV – Chapter 20 1827 An amendment to an act first passed in 1762 and continued several times since, which established several regulations on how fish can be exported, including the regulations on the barrels it is to be shipped in, and sets the standard sizes of lumber to be traded. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the Relief of James Radcliffe. Passed 17th Feb’y. 1827. 8 George IV – Chapter 20 1827 This act allows for a loan of money to James Radcliffe, who claims to be a co-inventor of a power-generating wheel, and is applying for said funds under an act passed in 1826 called "An Act to encourage the progress of Useful Arts within this Province." The loan is approved, depending on proof of his ownership of the patent of said invention. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue the Acts for the regulation of the Militia. 8 George IV – Chapter 19 1827 A continuation and amendment of an 1821 act, which consolidated all past militia laws in the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for a further Survey of the Works done at the Burlington Bay Canal, and also to afford further aid to complete the same. Passed 17th Feb’y. 1827. 8 George IV – Chapter 19 1827 This act allows for the disbursement of funds to the company building the canal at Burlington Bay, which an engineer had determined could not be completed without further funding. It lays out the term for the loan, repayment, and specifies how the estimates for financing will be made. Early Canadiana Online
An Act concerning Elections in the County of Cumberland. 8 George IV – Chapter 18 1827 This act describes how elections in Cumberland county are to be held, and procedures to be followed including polling and notice to be given. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Provide for the Construction of a Harbour at the Mouth of Kettle-Creek in the London District. Passed 17th Feb’y. 1827. 8 George IV – Chapter 18 1827 This act calls for the construction of a Harbouar at Kettle-Creek, adjacent to Lake Erie. It specifies the money to be used and how it will be raised, and how commissioners of the project shall be appointed. Early Canadiana Online