Displaying 3811 - 3820 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to revive an Act passed in the fourth year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, “An Act to authorize the sale and disposal of certain goods unclaimed and remaining in the possession of the Clerks of the Peace of this Province, and further to continue, for a limited time, the said Act.” (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 31 1829 An Act to revive the 1824 Act “An Act to authorize the sale and disposal of certain Goods unclaimed and remaining in the possession of the Clerks of the Peace in this Province,” that expired in 1827. This Act is to remain in force until 1832. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue, for a limited time, and amend an Act passed in the seventh year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to continue and amend certain Acts therein-mentioned, establishing a Watch and providing for the Lighting of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal.” (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 30 1829 An Act to continue an Act from 1827 that continued the 1818 “An Act to provide more effectually for the security of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, by establishing a Watch and Night Lights in the said Cities, and for other purposes,” as amended by the 1823 Act , “An Act to amend an Act passed in the fifty-eighth year of the Reign of His late Majesty, George the Third, intituled, ‘An Act to provide more effectually for the security of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, by establishing a Watch and Night Lights in the said Cities, and for other purposes’” that was continued by two further acts in 1825 and 1827. This Act clarifies and continues these Acts until 1831. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate certain Sums of Money, for more completely exploring certain parts of the Province. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 29 1829 An Act to provide a sum not exceeding towards completing explorations of the part of the province north of the River and Gulf of Saint Lawrence called the “King’s Post,” as described in the 1826 Act “An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money therein mentioned for exploring the Tract of Country to the North of the River and Gulf of Saint Lawrence, commonly called the King’s Posts and the Lands adjacent thereto,” and to pay due in excess of the sums granted for the purposes outlined in the 1826 Act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to facilitate the proceedings against the Estates and Effects of Debtors, in certain cases. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 28 1829 This Act makes it lawful for the Court to proceed in cases in which debtors have concealed themselves in order to elude the ordinary process of law. The processes and terms under which these suits are to proceed are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to prevent fraudulent Debtors evading their Creditors in certain parts of this Province. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 27 1829 This Act allows for the arrest of debtors under the due course of law, to await trial and judgement, in order to prevent debtors from leaving the jurisdiction of the Courts before their trial. Several forms are attached to the Act. This Act is to remain in force until 1832. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to prevent the Fraudulent Seizure and Sale of Lands, and other real property within this Province. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 26 1829 This Act defines and describes the punishment for persons found to fraudulently sell land or other property. This Act is to remain in force until 1832. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relief of the Poor, in the Loan of Wheat and other Seed Corn. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 25 1829 An Act establishing that lenders of seed for crops including wheat, corn, peas, oats, or potatoes, will be granted a privileged debt by the courts, to encourage those who can spare seed to loan it to poorer inhabitants for a period not more than two years. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a certain sum of Money towards erecting Light Houses on the shores of the River Saint Lawrence and for other purposes therein-mentioned. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 24 1829 An Act to apply a sum not exceeding twelve thousand pounds towards building light houses and a floating light at several places along the Saint Lawrence River. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a Sum of Money for establishing a Depot of provisions near Cape Chat, towards the relief of Mariners in distress and other Shipwrecked Persons. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 23 1829 An Act to apply a sum not exceeding one hundred and fifty pounds towards establishing at store at the Rivière Sainte-Anne near Cap-Chat for the relief of shipwrecked persons for a year, and to provide a salary for a guardian of the said store of provisions. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time two certain Acts therein mentioned relating to the Summary Trial of certain Small Causes. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 22 1829 An Act to continue the 1826 Act “An Act to provide for the Summary Trial of certain Small Causes,” as amended by the 1827 Act “An Act to amend an Act passed in the sixth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled ‘An Act to provide for the Summary trial of certain Small Causes.’” These Acts are to remain in force until 1833. This Act also amends how commissioners are to be appointed and their jurisdictions are defined for the purposes stated in these former Acts. Early Canadiana Online