Displaying 3741 - 3750 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to make good certain Monies issued and advanced in pursuance of the Addresses of the Commons House of Assembly, at the last and present Sessions of Parliament. Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 22 1829 This act authorises a sum of money to be paid to the crown as a contribution to a debt owed to the crown. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the completing the Light House on the False Ducks Island, and for the keeping and maintaining the same during the present year. Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 21 1829 This act appoints commissioners to build a light house on False Ducks island and specifies the responsibilities of said commissioners. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the erection of a Light House on Long Point in Lake Erie. Passed, 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 20 1829 This act appoints commissioners for the building of a lighthouse on Long Point, specifying their responsibilities. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for a Commission of Lunacy and Idiotcy, in the case of Peter Vanalstine. Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 19 1829 On behalf of the family of Peter Vanalstine, this legislation calls for the creation of a panel of twelve judges to decide whether the said Mr. Vanalstine be competent to manage his own affairs. If the panel should find that he his not competent, they are empowered to take possession of all his possessions, both movable and immovable, and bargain for the sale or lease of his lands, and manage any and all of his affairs "as if actually executed by Peter Vanalstine in sound mind." Early Canadiana Online
An Act to enable the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church in York, to exchange certain Real Estate now holden by them, for other Real Estate in or near the said Town of York. Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 18 1829 This act empowers the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of York to purchase and sell property within the town of York for the purposes of the church. It defines the authority required from church members in order to sell or purchase these lands, and how much land will be open for sale to the congregation in order to build a new residence for the erection of a new chapel and Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate certain persons for the purpose of holding Lands for a Free Church in Dundas, in the District of Gore. Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 17 1829 This act incorporates the Free church in Dundas and deeds a plot of land for the purpose of a church a graveyard. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend part of an Act, passed in the Eighth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, entitled, “An Act to Incorporate certain persons therein mentioned, under the style and title of “The Cataraqui Bridge Company.” Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 16 1829 This act amends an act first passed in 1827, making what was once a private act into a public act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate certain persons for the purpose of making a Turnpike Road in the County of Hatton, under the name of the “Dundas and Waterloo Turnpike Company.” Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 15 1829 This act makes provisions for the improvement of roads in the district of Gore by incorporating the Dundas and Waterloo Turnpike Company, and empowering it to undertake road work in the area. It allows the company to toll the roads once they are complete in order to recover costs. It specifies penalties for land owners who should allow travelers to pass through their lands with the aim of avoiding the road tolls, and exempts tolls for those travelling to and from church services. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the Survey of a part of the Township of Oxford, in the Johnstown District. Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 14 1829 This act calls for a survey of the town of Oxford after the inhabitants of the said town petitioned the legislature for a survey of the town line between the concession Oxford and the ninth concession. The act states that the survey will be paid for by the residents of the town, and conducted by a disinterested third party. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the guiding line in the Township of Lancaster, in the Eastern District. Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 13 1829 This act amends an ordinance first passed in 1814 in order to amend the town limits of Lancaster. Early Canadiana Online