Displaying 3371 - 3380 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to raise a sum of Money to improve certain Roads in the vicinity of the Town of York, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 13th February, 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 38 1833 This act provides for a loan to be paid out to the named trustees and used for the maintenance and repair of roads in the region of York. It specifies how the loan is to be paid back, rates of interest and return, consequences for those who should refuse to pay, and tolls which shall be charged to vehicles travelling the said roads in order to repay the costs of maintenance. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to defray the expenses of keeping a Light at the Burlington Canal, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 13th February 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 37 1833 This act appropriates 100 pounds for the maintenance of a lighthouse and lighthouse keeper at the Burlington canal. This fund shall be maintained by commissioners, who will also be in charge of making rules regarding the keeping of the light and lighthouse. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate the Seminary of Saint Hyacinthe of Yamaska, in the District of Montreal. 3 William IV Chapter 36 1833 This Act incorporates “The Corporation of the Seminary of St. Hyacinthe of Yamaska,” as a body politic and corporate. Certain restrictions and regulations on how the corporation is to function are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act granting a Sum of Money to defray the expense of erecting a Light-House on Nine Mile Point, at the entrance of the Harbour of Kingston. Passed 13th February, 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 36 1833 This act sets aside a certain amount of money for the erection of a lighthouse at Nine Mile Point, in the Kingston area, in order to make navigation of Lake Ontario safer. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate the Institution for Female Penitents in the District of Montreal. 3 William IV Chapter 35 1833 This Act establishes "The Charitable Institution for Female Penitents,” as a corporation and lists the people who make up the said corporation. Certain regulations and restrictions on how the corporation may function are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the maintenance of four Light-Houses now erected in this Province. Passed 13th February, 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 35 1833 This act appropriates 600 pounds per year from provincial funds for the maintenance of lighthouses within the province, including a maximum annual salary of sixty-two pounds ten shillings for lighthouse keepers. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to provide for the Summary Trial of Small Causes. 3 William IV Chapter 34 1833 This Act makes provision for the trial of small causes in the Province, except in certain parishes as described. The processes by which these courts are to function and expenses incurred by them defrayed are explained. This Act is to remain in force until 1835. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the erection of a Bridge across the River Trent, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 13th February, 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 34 1833 This act allows for the procurement of funds to pay for the construction and maintenance of a bridge across the river Trent in the town of Murray. It includes all steps of the initial construction phase, including survey and planning, and specifies how the funds secured for the project are to be repaid. Commissioners to oversee the the project are named, and tolls to be charged once the bridge is complete are specified. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for regulating the Common of the Isle du Pads, in the County of Berthier. (3d April, 1833) 3 William IV Chapter 33 1833 This Act outlines the process by which a Chair and Trustees are to be elected to govern the Common as a body politic and corporate by the name “The Chairman and Trustees of the Common of Isle du Pads.” The Act also outlines how the land is to be governed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the Improvement of certain Inland Waters in the District of Newcastle. Passed 13th February, 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 33 1833 This act appropriates a sum of 2,000 pounds for the improvement of navigation on the inland waterways of Newcastle in response to a petition sent to the provincial legislature, to be raised by loan. It specifies tolls which shall be paid to repay the sum appropriated, and names commissioners for the project, and specifies the penalties for those who should willfully destroy any part of the construction. Early Canadiana Online