Displaying 2821 - 2830 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Ordinance to continue for a limited time, certain Acts of the Legislature of this Province, relative to the District of Saint Francis. 1 Victoria Chapter 13 (Session 1) 1838 This Act continues several Acts pertaining to the justice system in the Inferior District of Saint-François, as listed, which are to remain in force until 1842. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the appointment of Commissioners to investigate the claims of certain Inhabitants of this Province, for losses sustained during the late unnatural Rebellion. Passed 6th March, 1838. 1 Victoria – Chapter 13 1838 This act appoints commissioners to examine the claims of residents of the province who have had property damaged in the uprising of 1837 for possible compensation. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to make provision for defraying the Civil Expenditure of the Provincial Government from the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, to the tenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight. 1 Victoria Chapter 12 (Session 1) 1838 This Ordinance provides a sum not exceeding forty-seven thousand, three hundred and forty-four pounds, fourteen shillings and seven pence to defray expenses incurred by the Civil Government from 1837-1838. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for indemnifying persons who since the Second of December, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, have acted in Apprehending, Imprisoning, or Detaining in Custody, persons suspected of High Treason, or Treasonable Practices, and in the Suppression of Unlawful Assemblies, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 6th March, 1838. 1 Victoria – Chapter 12 1838 This act pardons those who took actions which may not have been entirely legal, but were considered necessary at the time, in order to subdue the insurrection of December 1837. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance authorizing the repayment out of the moneys in the hands of the Receiver General of this Province, of certain sums advanced from the Imperial Treasury. 1 Victoria Chapter 11 (Session 1) 1838 This Ordinance authorises the repayment of the sums advanced from the one hundred and forty-two thousand one hundred and sixty pounds fourteen shillings and six-pence granted from the Treasury during the 1837-38 Rebellion, and the processes by which the sums advanced should be accounted for. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to prevent the unlawful Training of persons to the use of Arms, and to practice Military evolutions and exercises; and to authorise Justices of the Peace to seize and, detain Arms collected or kept for purposes dangerous to the public peace. Passed 6th March, 1838. 1 Victoria – Chapter 11 1838 This act prevents people not associated with the militia, or who do not have the permission of the province, from practicing military exercises. It also outlaws the possession of many weapons. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance for indemnifying persons who since the first day of October, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Seven, have acted in apprehending, imprisoning, or detaining in Custody, persons suspected of High Treason, or Treasonable Practices, and in the Suppression of unlawful Assemblies, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 1 Victoria Chapter 10 (Session 1) 1838 Under this Ordinance, all personal actions, suits, indictments, and prosecutions against persons who apprehended, committed, imprisoned, or detained rebels or persons for High Treason, Suspicion of High Treason, or Treasonable Practices are to be discharged or made void, under the terms and limits outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to enable the Government of this Province to extend a conditional Pardon, in certain cases, to Persons who have been concerned in the late Insurrection. Passed 6th March, 1838. 1 Victoria – Chapter 10 1838 This act allows certain people who engaged in the recent rebellion to be granted a conditional pardon; the condition is the individual in question should banished themselves from the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make temporary provision for the Government of Lower Canada. (10th February, 1838.) 1 Victoria Chapter 9 (Session 1) 1838 Under this Act, the government of the Province of Lower Canada is to be handled by a Special Council rather than the Provincial Parliament as directed until November of 1840. The duties and limits of this Special Council are described. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to continue a certain Act therein mentioned, relating to Protested Bills of Exchange. 1 Victoria Chapter 9 (Session 1) 1838 This Ordinance continues the 1833 Act, “An Act further to suspend certain parts of an Act or Ordinance therein mentioned, and to consolidate and further to continue for a limited time, the provisions of two other Acts therein mentioned, for more effectually ascertaining the damages on protested Bills of Exchange, and for determining disputes relating thereto, and for other purposes;” which is to remain in force until 1842. Early Canadiana Online