Displaying 2201 - 2210 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to confirm and make valid certain Official Acts in the Offices of Registrar, Clerk of the Peace, Clerk of the District Court, and Registrar of the Surrogate Court, in and for the District of Ottawa. 9th December, 1843. 7 Victoria – Chapter 38 1843 An act to confirm that upon the death of Richard Phillips Hotham, Esquire, his deputy, Donald McDonald, performed official acts in his name and that these acts are indeed official and that Donald McDonald is due any fees he should have received for performing these duties. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to explain an Act passed in that part of this Province called Upper Canada, in the third year of the Reign of Her Majesty, intituled, An Act to confirm and regulate certain sales of lands, for taxes, in the Ottawa District. 9th December, 1843. 7 Victoria – Chapter 37 1843 An act to clarify a previous act entitled An Act to confirm and regulate certain sales of lands, for taxes, in the Ottawa District that elaborates on the procedures and tax measures for land sales. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to prevent obstructions in Rivers and Rivulets, in Upper Canada. 9th December, 1843. 7 Victoria – Chapter 36 1843 An act to prevent the dumping of various forms of refuse into the rivers and rivulets of Upper Canada, and to levy fines against those responsible. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to afford to persons having been Boundary Line Commissioners a more easy and less expensive mode of recovering costs still due on Judgments rendered in that capacity. 9th December, 1843. 7 Victoria – Chapter 35 1843 An act that allows former Boundary Line Commissioners to recover costs still due on judgments that were outstanding when the original legislation empowering them expired by petitioning the district courts in the district in which they served as Boundary Line Commissioner. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Repeal a certain Act therein mentioned, and to make further provision for enabling the Provincial Government to purchase the Stock held by private parties in the Welland Canal. 9th December, 1843. 7 Victoria – Chapter 34 1843 An act to repeal "An Act to authorize the Stock held by private parties in the Welland Canal, to be purchased on behalf of the Province" and to renegotiate the rate at which the province will pay the private stock holders of the Welland canal for selling their shares to the provincial government. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to render more summary the means of enforcing the returns of process by Sheriffs and Coroners, in that part of this Province called Upper Canada. 9th December, 1843. 7 Victoria – Chapter 33 1843 An act to enforce the returns of processes by Sheriffs and Coroners in Upper Canada, including punishments for not returning writs in a timely manner. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to fix the period for holding the Courts of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and District Courts in that part of the Province formerly Upper Canada. 9th December, 1843. 7 Victoria – Chapter 32 1843 An act to change the dates during which the Courts of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and District Courts are held in Upper Canada, to the first Tuesday of the months of January, April and July and the third Tuesday of the month of November. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to abolish Imprisonment in execution for Debt, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 9th December, 1843. 7 Victoria – Chapter 31 1843 An act to abolish the imprisonment of people for debt while detailing various methods for dealing with debtors, in Upper Canada only. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to enable Courts of Law, in that part of this Province called Upper Canada, to give relief against adverse claims made upon persons having no interest in the subject of such claims. 9th December, 1843. 7 Victoria – Chapter 30 1843 An act to change certain laws regarding suits in Upper Canada involving third parties in which in the original defendant has no interest in the subject of the claims. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the establishment and maintenance of Common Schools in Upper Canada. 9th December, 1843. 7 Victoria – Chapter 29 1843 An act to name the secretary of the Province the Chief Superintendent of the Common Schools of Upper Canada, establish Common Schools in Upper Canada, and to provide for their funding and maintenance. Early Canadiana Online