Displaying 2041 - 2050 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to amend and extend certain provisions of an Act made and passed in the seventh year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled, “An Act for incorporating and granting certain powers to the Upper Canada Trust and Loan Company.” (17th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 96 1845 This act amends the original act incorporating the Upper Canada Trust and Loan company, allowing the company to increase its capital. The act also changes the times at which directors will meet, the manner in which shares are transferred, and makes provisions regarding insolvent shareholders. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate certain persons under the name and style of The President, Directors and Company of the Humber Harbour and Road. (29th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 95 1845 This act incorporates the Humber Harbour and Road company under the individuals named. The company is empowered to build a harbour at the mouth of the Humber river, and to improve the roads leading to it. The act specifies how the company and its stocks are to be managed, how directors are to be elected and replaced, and other various affairs regarding company governance. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the Incorporation of certain individuals under the name and style of The Montreal Building Society. (29th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 94 1845 This act incorporates the Montreal Building society under the individuals named, and specifies how the society is to be governed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the Incorporation of certain individuals under the name and style of The Montreal Building Society. (29th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 94 1845 This act incorporates the Montreal Building society under the individuals named, and specifies how the society is to be governed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate The Mechanics' Institute of Montreal. (29th March, 1846.) 8 Victoria Chapter 93 1845 This act incorporates the Mechanics' Institute of Montreal, allowing them to teach others by means of lectures, establishing a lecture hall, library and reading room, and purchasing equipment. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate the Chambly Cotton Manufacturing Company. (29th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 92 1845 This act incorporates the Chambly cotton factory under the individuals named. It specifies how company shares are to be managed as well as elections of directors and how the company is to be managed publicly. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate the Sherbrooke Cotton Factory. (29th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 91 1845 This act incorporates the Sherbrooke cotton factory under the individuals named. It specifies how company shares are to be managed as well as elections of directors and how the company is to be managed publicly. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize John Yule the Younger to build a Toll-Bridge over the River Richelieu, in the Parish of Saint Joseph de Chambly, to fix the rates of Toll for passing thereon, and to provide Regulations for the same. (29th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 90 1845 This act authorizes John Yule the younger to build a toll bridge across the Richelieu river. Tolls are specified, as well as penalties for not paying the said tolls. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate the Quebec Charitable Firewood Society. (29th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 89 1845 This act incorporates the Quebec Charitable Firewood Society, which purchases and donates firewood to the poor of the city and the suburbs of Quebec City. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate certain persons as “The Niagara and Ten Mile Creek Plank Road Company,” for the purpose of constructing a Plank Road from a certain place in Niagara to the Ten Mile Creek in Grantham. (29th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 88 1845 This act incorporates the Niagara and Ten Mile Creek Plank Road Company. The act specifies the management of the company, permits it to negotiate for the purchase and own land, and makes various rules regarding the reporting of progress to the legislative assembly, establishment of tolls, and other matters. Early Canadiana Online