Displaying 1701 - 1710 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to raise by Loan a Sum of Money for the General Purposes of the Colony. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 12 Victoria Chapter 20 1849 This act authorises the provincial government to raise up to fifteen thousand pounds for various purposes. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the raising by Loan a further Sum of Money for the Erection of a Colonial Building and Public Market House in the Town of St. John's. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 12 Victoria Chapter 19 1849 This act authorizes the government to raise a further sum of money to continue building a colonial house in St John's. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for better giving effect, within this Province, to a Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America, for the apprehension and surrender of certain Offenders. 30th May, 1849. 12 Victoria – Chapter 19 1849 This is an enactment of an imperial treaty between Great Britain and the United states, which allows for the extradition of individuals who have committed certain crimes within the territory of Canada, and are taking refuge in the United States. The crimes which allow for extradition are specified in the act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make provision for the continuance and completion of proceedings in Bankruptcy now pending. 30th May, 1849. 12 Victoria – Chapter 18 1849 This act continues a past act which regulated how bankruptcy proceedings were to be held in Lower Canada, with a few amendments. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for Granting to Her Majesty the Sum of Five Thousand Pounds for the Making and Repairing of Main Roads and Bridges in this Colony. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 12 Victoria Chapter 18 1849 This act grants a sum of five thousand pounds towards making new roads and repairing roads and roadways that already exist. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time the several Acts and Ordinances therein mentioned. 30th May, 1849. 12 Victoria – Chapter 17 1849 This is a continuation of various acts relating to various matters. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Suspend an Act passed in the Eighth Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, entitled “An Act to Regulate the Making and Repairing of Roads, Streets and Bridges within this Colony” and to provide for the appropriation of Monies granted for such purposes. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 12 Victoria Chapter 17 1849 This act suspends an act first passed in 1845, which regulated the repair and construction of roads, including the appointing of a board of commissioners for road, procedures for disputing the placement of roads, and the appointment of surveyors to settle disputes and to inspect roads. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend the Law relative to the printing and distribution of the Provincial Statutes. 30th May, 1849. 12 Victoria – Chapter 16 1849 This act changes the distribution of provincial statues, stating that only public acts will be distributed to the public in order to save the expense of printing and distributing all legislative acts. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend the practice of Vaccination to the Outports of this Colony. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 12 Victoria Chapter 16 1849 This act extends the practice of vaccination to the outport communities of the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to impose Tolls on Vessels and Passengers brought down the St. Lawrence, past any of the Canals thereon. 30th May, 1849.
12 Victoria – Chapter 15 1849 This act imposes tolls on all vessels travelling on the canals between Montreal and Kingston, and stipulates fines for those who refuse to pay them. Early Canadiana Online