Displaying 1571 - 1580 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to incorporate L’Academie Industrielle de St. Laurent, in the District of Montreal. 30th May, 1849. 12 Victoria – Chapter 146 1849 This act incorporates L'Académie Industrielle de St. Laurent, a school of agriculture, horticulture, arts, and trades. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate the Library Association of the Teachers of the District of Quebec. 30th May, 1849. 12 Victoria – Chapter 145 1849 This act incorporates the Library Association of the Teachers of the District of Quebec, which sets up a Library and Reading Room, hold meetings and lectures with the goal of diffusing essays and debates to educate the general public. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate Les Clercs Paroissiaux ou Catéchistes de Saint Viateur, in the Village of Industry, in the County of Berthier. 25th April, 1849.
12 Victoria – Chapter 144 1849 This act incorporates the Clercs Paroissiaux ou Catéchistes de Saint Viateur, which has as its goal the education of youth in the sciences and the elements. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate Les Révérends Pères Oblats de l’Immaculée Conception de Marie, in the Province of Canada. 30th May, 1849. 12 Victoria – Chapter 143 1849 This act incorporates the Révérends Pères Oblats de l'Immaculée Conception de Marie, which has as it goal the establishment of hospitals, missions, and the education of youth. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate the Association called La Congrégation des Hommes de la Paroisse de Saint Roch de Quebec. 30th May, 1849. 12 Victoria – Chapter 142 1849 This act incorporates the Association of la Congrégation des Hommes de la Paroisse de Saint Roch de Québec, which has as its goal the encouragement of charity and morality. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the Ursulines of Quebec to acquire and hold additional Real and Personal Property to a certain amount. 25th April, 1849. 12 Victoria – Chapter 141 1849 This act permits the Ursuline nuns to hold and sell property. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the Community of the Nuns of the General Hospital of Quebec, to acquire and hold additional Real and Personal property to a certain amount. 25th April, 1849. 12 Victoria – Chapter 140 1849 This act allows the Nuns of the General Hospital of Québec to own and sell property. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the Religious Community of the Sœurs Hospitalières de St. Joseph de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Montreal, to acquire and hold real and personal property to a certain amount, over and above that now held by them, as well for themselves as for the Poor of the Hôtel-Dieu, on whose behalf they administer certain Property, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 30th May, 1849. 12 Victoria – Chapter 139 1849 This act allows the Soeurs Hospitalières de St. Joseph de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal to acquire, hold, and sell property. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate Les Sœurs de Miséricorde pour la régie de l’Hospice de la Maternité de Montréal. 30th May, 1849. 12 Victoria – Chapter 138 1849 This act incorporates les Soeurs de Miséricorde pour la régie de l'Hospice de la Maternité de Montréal, for the purpose of establishing a maternity hospital in Montreal. They are given the right to own, acquire, and sell property, so long as the rents and profits they take in are applied to the hospital. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate La Communauté des Sœurs de Ste. Croix, in the Parish of St. Laurent, in the District of Montreal, for the purposes of Education. 30th May, 1849. 12 Victoria – Chapter 137 1849 This act incorporates the Communauté des soeurs de Ste. Croix to establish a school for girls. The community is permitted to own, acquire, and sell property, so long as all rents and profits are applied to the said school. Early Canadiana Online