Displaying 1451 - 1460 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to repeal the Acts and provisions of Law relative to Assessments and matters connected therewith in Upper Canada. 10th August, 1850. 13 & 14 Victoria – Chapter 66 1850 This act repeals a series of past acts relating to property assessment and road maintenance in Upper Canada. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend the laws relative to Tavern Licenses in Upper Canada. 10th August, 1850. 13 & 14 Victoria – Chapter 65 1850 This act transfers the power of controlling and licensing tavens, bars, and inns, to municipalities rather than the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for correcting certain errors and omissions in the Act of the Parliament of this Province, passed in the last Session thereof, intituled, An Act to provide, by one general law, for the erection of Municipal Corporations and the establishment of Regulations of Police in and for the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Townships and Villages in Upper Canada, for amending certain of the provisions of the said Act, and making some further provisions for the better accomplishment of the object thereof. 10th August, 1850. 13 & 14 Victoria – Chapter 64 1850 This is a correction to an act passed in 1849. The original act facilitates the creation of municipal corporations so that townships can in turn establish their own police forces. It defines what constitutes a township for the purposes of incorporation, the responsibilities of the municipal councils once they are established, matters which will be policed by the established village police force, and various other matters. The current act corrects the omission of a schedule as well as a few other errors. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend the Registry Law of Upper Canada. 10th August, 1850. 13 & 14 Victoria – Chapter 63 1850 This is an amendment to an act first passed in 1846, which consolidated, amended, and repealed various registry laws in Upper Canada, including the mandatory establishment of registry offices in every county. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter and amend the Act requiring Mortgages of Personal Property in Upper Canada to be filed. 24th July, 1850. 13 & 14 Victoria – Chapter 62 1850 This is an amendment to mortgage law in Upper Canada, adding a paragraph clause which stipulates that all mortgages which are not followed by an immediate transfer of goods will be accompanied by an affidavit specifying the property which has been mortgaged, as well as the names of the seller and buyer. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for rendering a Written Memorandum necessary to the validity of certain Promises and Engagements. 24th July, 1850. 13 & 14 Victoria – Chapter 61 1850 This act validates debts contracted between merchants, if they were made under certain conditions with proof such as a written bill or contract. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend the Law relating to Slander and Libel. 24th July, 1850. 13 & 14 Victoria – Chapter 60 1850 This act amends how matters of slander and libel are to be brought before the courts of the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act passed in the fifth year of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled, An Act to prevent the unnecessary multiplication of Law-suits, and increase of costs in actions on Notes, Bonds, Bills of Exchange and other Instruments. 24th July, 1850. 13 & 14 Victoria – Chapter 59 1850 This is an amendment to a past act regarding the issuing, use, and payment of promissory notes, bonds, and bills of exchange in Upper Canada. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter the Practice of the Law in actions of Dower, in Upper Canada. 10th August, 1850. 13 & 14 Victoria – Chapter 58 1850 This act is meant to simplify the process by which a widow can recover her share of her husband's property after he dies. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter and amend the practice and proceedings in actions of Ejectment in Upper Canada. 10th August, 1850. 13 & 14 Victoria – Chapter 57 1850 This act is an amendment to the process by which landlords evict tenants from their property. Early Canadiana Online